Administrative Activities:
Member of Educational and Scientific Institute Council.
Teaches following disciplines:
Design and production technology of automation systems ( Б174-ВВП09 Б174-ВВП05-Ск)
Design and production technology of telecommunications systems ( Б172-ВП3.05)
Computer design ( Б172-ВВП23)
Theoretical foundations of complex management systems ( Мп174-СП01)
Fundamentals of scientific research ( Мп174-ВП1.04 М172-СП01)
Educational and methodical activities:
Performs the duties of a curator. Performs standard control of technical and educational documentation, student works at the department. Performs bachelor’s and master’s diploma mentorship.
Areas of scientific interests and research:
Optimal and robust management. Systems with fuzzy control.
Scientific metrics:
Scholar | Scopus | ORCID
Recent publications:
On the electronic repository of the Library of NTU “KhPI”