Morachkovsky Oleg

  • Professor of the department
  • Doctor of Technical Sciences
  • Professor

Profile in Scholar.

Profile in Scopus.

Laureate of the Academician Proskura Prize
CEGB Prize (UK) 2000.
Laureate of the State Prize in Science and Technology of Ukraine in 2019.
Member of the National Committee of Ukraine for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics.
Member of European scientific societies: EUROMECH, GAMM.

Research mechanical engineer in Dynamics and strength of machines,Faculty of Physical Engineering, KhPI (1970).

Assistant, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Dynamics and Strength of Machines (1970-1995). Head of the Department of Theoretical Mechanics (1995-2020).
Professor of the Department of Computer Modelling of Processes and Systems (2021 – present).

Candidate of Science (Engineering) with a degree in Dynamics and Strength of Machines (1973). Scientific adviser prof. A.V. Burlakov.
Doctor of Science (Engineering) with a degree in Dynamics and Strength of Machines (1985).Professor (1989).

Scientific supervisor and consultant of 12 defended candidate (PhD) and 5 doctoral dissertations.
Author of over 300 scientific articles and materials of scientific reports, scientific monographs and teaching aids.

Research interests: nonlinear mechanics of materials and structures, analytical mechanics, IT technologies in mechanics.

The main scientific results of Professor O.Morachkovskiy were obtained in different branches of mechanics: the theory of creep, continuum damage mechanics, the theory of plates and shells, kinematics and dynamics of machines.

Basic recent publications

Development of rotors for turbines of large capacity. Monograph. O.Morachkovsky et al.
Kharkiv 2018. – 224 p. (In Ukrainian)

D. Breslavsky, A. Chuprynin, O. Morachkovsky, O. Tatarinova and W. Pro. Deformation and damage of nuclear power station fuel elements under cyclic loading/ Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design Volume 54, Issue 5-6, 1 July 2019, pp. 348-359

Breslavs’kyi, D.V., Metel’yov, V.O., Morachkovs’kyi, O.K., Tatarinova O.A. Short-Term Creep of St3 Steel Under Low-Frequency Cyclic Loading / Strength Mater (2019) vol.51, issue 5. – pp.753-760.
Altenbach, H., Konkin, V., Lavinsky, D., Morachkovsky, O., Naumenko, K. Deformation analysis of conductive metallic components under the action of electromagnetic fields | Verformungsanalyse elektrisch leitender metallischer Bauteile bei Magnetimpulsbearbeitung/ Forschung im Ingenieurwesen/Engineering Research, 2018, 82(4), pp. 371–377

Breslavsky D. Deformation and fracture of square plates under repetitive impact loading / D.Breslavsky, O.Morachkovsky, I.Naumov, O.Ganilova// International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics. – 2017. -pp .180-188.

Lavinskii, D.V., Morachkovskii, O.K. Elastoplastic Deformation of Bodies Interacting Through Contact Under the Action of Pulsed Electromagnetic Field/ Strength of Materials, 2016, 48(6),pp. 760–767

H Altenbach, O Morachkovsky, K Naumenko, D Lavinsky. Inelastic deformation of conductive bodies in electromagnetic fields/ Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics 28 (5), pp. 1421-1433

Breslavskii D.V. Anisotropic creep and damage in structural elements under cyclic loading / D.V. Breslavskii, V.A. Metelev, O.K. Morachkovskii // Strength of Materials. – 2015. Vol. 47, № 2. – pp. 235-241.

D.V.Breslavsky, O.Morachkovsky, O.Tatarinova. Creep and damage in shells of revolution under cyclic loading and heating// International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics. # 66, 2014. –рр.87-95.

Morachkovskii, O.K., Romashov, Yu.V. Prediction of the corrosion cracking of structures under the conditions of high-temperature creep/Materials Science, 2011, 46(5), pp. 613–618

Morachkovskii, O.K., Romashov, Y.V. Edge fixing effect on the life of a vacuum chamber thin spherical cover subjected to creep damage/ Strength of Materials, 2011, 43(3), pp. 294–301

Morachkovskii, O.K., Romashov, Yu.V. Continual model of propagation of corrosion cracks for the evaluation of the service life of structures/ Materials Science, 2010, 46(2), pp. 254–259

Andreev, Yu.M., Morachkovskii, O.K . Numerical simulation of nonholonomic rigid-bodysystems/ International Applied Mechanics, 2006, 42(9), pp. 1052–1060

Andreev, Yu.M., Morachkovskii, O.K. Dynamics of holonomic rigid-body systems/ Prikladnaya Mekhanika, 2005, 41(7), pp. 130–138