On May 8-10, 2017 delegation from Institute of Technical Mechanics of the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg (Germany) as a part of the honourable doctor of NTU “KhPI” professor Holm Altenbach and professor Konstantin Naumenko visited Departments of Engineering and Physics Faculty.

There was a meeting on May 8 with professor from Germany at the Department of Computer Modeling of Processes and Systems in which took part the Head of the Department professor D. V. Breslavsky, associate professor O. A. Tatarinova, PhD students and graduate students, which presented results of the scientific works with the purpose of participation in a competition on receiving grants of the Government of Germany. The second part of the meeting was devoted to discussion of results and plans of the joint scientific works performed under the leadership of professors H. Altenbach and D. V. Breslavsky.

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