The 2017 Lyapunov award has been awarded to Professor RINALDO GARZIERA, Chair of the Department of Engineering and Architecture of the University of Parma. The Award has been granted in recognition of his outstanding contribution to the development of international scientific cooperation between University of Parma and the National Technical University ‘Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute’. The scientific cooperation allowed students from KhPI to pursue PhD at the University of Parma and to publish in prestigious international journals.

Professor Garziera from 2001 is a full professor of Mechanics Applied to Machines. For some years, he was a Director of the Department of Industrial Engineering and now he is the Director of the Department of Engineering and Architecture at the University of Parma. Professor Garziera works on vibrations of mechanical systems, fluid-structure interaction, mechatronics, and on the development of non-destructive techniques for vibration monitoring.

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