
Without a doubt, getting a job is the most difficult problem for university graduates. Many organizations use students and young professionals to work as junior managers, which is essentially a temporary, unpromising, low-paying job.

Thanks to the fundamental theoretical knowledge and a high level of practical training, as well as a wide scope of use of this specialty, our graduates have a constant demand and ample opportunities for employment. They can work in scientific and production institutions related to the development of control systems and their software; at chemical-technological, oil, gas and processing enterprises; enterprises of metallurgical, pharmaceutical, food industry.

The Department of ATS and EM is a training base for the company OWEN (aqteck), which is engaged in the development of control systems, industrial controllers and software. The department has created a technical laboratory on the basis of microprocessor technology ARIES, where both our students and employees of the departments of instrumentation and APCS enterprises of Ukraine are trained.

Graduates of our department work:

– programmers;

– web-makers;

– Q- testers;

– designers of automation systems;

– managers of production departments;

– administrators;

– database designers, etc.

In recent years, our graduates have received work at various enterprises of Ukraine, many of which have become permanent “customers” of our graduates:

– Zaporizhzhya NPP;

– Kharkiv TYeTs-5;

– Zmeevskaya state district power station;

– “Shebelinkagazdobycha”;

– Bogodukhovsky Dairy Plant LLC;

– PJSC “Kharkiv Tractor Plant”;

– Service Automation Systems LLC;

– CHAO “Manometer-Kharkov”;

– BY “OWEN”;

– GIPROKOKS (State Institute for Design of Coke and Chemical Industry Enterprises);

– GNPP “Association Kommunar”;

GP UKRNTC Energostal;

– Malyshev plant;

OJSC Turboatom;

and others…