Collaboration with the Alpine-Adriatic University of Klagenfurt

The Alpine-Adriatic University of Klagenfurt is a prominent university in Austria and Central Europe in general. Moreover, it is a long-standing and reliable partner of the Department of Software Engineering and Management Intelligent Technologies of NTU “KhPI”.

Recently, the Head of the Department Andrii Kopp and Professor Olha Cherednichenko had an online meeting with Austrian colleagues to coordinate the curricula for the joint Master’s programs 121 “Software Engineering” and 122 “Computer Sciences and Intelligent Systems”.

Both programs provide for the selection of the best students of educational and scientific training of the SEMIT Department, who will study the first two semesters at NTU “KhPI”, and the third semester at the University of Klagenfurt, and then return to NTU “KhPI” in the last semester to prepare and defend their final work.
More information about the selection for the program can be found at the link.

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