Kharkiv specialized school №105 is a new partner of the SEMIT Department

The SEMIT Department has signed an agreement on creative cooperation in education with Kharkiv Lyceum #105. This will help to strengthen career guidance work among the lyceum students and their in-depth acquaintance with the world of modern information technology.

The meeting with the most active high school students took the form of an interesting kahoot quiz on the topic of opportunities and risks of artificial intelligence.

By learning new information and answering various questions, students were able to find out what professions artificial intelligence could displace from the labor market in the upcoming years. This will help them make an informed choice about their future specialty.

In turn, the lecturers of the SEMIT department are always ready to provide students with relevant knowledge that will allow them to solve real cases, engage in interesting projects, and later find an interesting job with reasonable salary and convenient working conditions while still studying.

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