Productive Online Work of Lecturers and Students of the ICS Department

During quarantine, the Department of Intelligent Computer Systems continued active educational, organizational, scientific and methodological work: the department meetings, online defenses of term papers, lectures, practical, laboratory classes, consultations and exams using modern services and platforms such as Zoom, Skype, Viber, Microsoft Office 365, Google Classroom, Quizlet, Kahoot, etc.


In April 2020, 4th and 5th year students, together with their supervisors, took part in the International conference on Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems (CoLInS 2020).


As a result of pregraduation practice, 4th year students presented the results of their state-of-the-art researches online.


On June 16 and 18, 2020, at the department of ICS 32 bachelors of the educational program “Applied and Computational Linguistics” passed the degree examination in Applied Linguistics. In connection with quarantine, the exam was held remotely in the form of video meetings using cloud technologies.

We congratulate our bachelors
on the confirmation of the high level of knowledge and skills
and wish them further success!

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