The open door in NTU “KhPI”


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Guidance tour to the Department of Software Engineering and Management Information Technologies

January 31, foreign students of pre-university training visited the department of software engineering and information technology management. Employees of the department spoke about the areas of training of future specialists and the opportunities that open for them. In the intellectual quiz, students showed knowledge, activity and received prizes from the department.

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Students meeting with American entrepreneur and engineer Shaquille Hussein

On February 5, students of the preparatory department of the FIE attended a lecture by American entrepreneur and engineer Shaquille Hussein. He shared with students his experience in managing a large consulting company and spoke about the main problems of job seekers abroad.

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The use of technology Brainstorming in the educational process

On January 27, 2020, at the Department of Natural Sciences, a thematic lesson “My Homeland” was held using Brainstorming technology (brainstorming). Students without preliminary preparation should individually or in groups present a story about their country in the language they study (English, Ukrainian, Russian).

Students spoke interestingly and emotionally about the history, nature, cultural monuments and other sights of Nigeria, Lebanon, Congo, Mali, China, Turkey, Egypt.

Among the students there was a competitive spirit: which of them will prepare faster and speak to the rest of the participants, who will applaud louder.

Such an unconventional lesson offers students a different style of communication and provides an opportunity to prove themselves in a new quality, and also motivates to in-depth study of a foreign language.

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Congratulations on defending your PhD thesis!

Congratulations to the senior lecturer of the Department of Natural Sciences Viktor Irina Vladimirovna, who defended her thesis with a degree in Philosophical Anthropology, Philosophy of Culture and received a diploma of a candidate of philosophical sciences.

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January 25, 2020 officially marks the year of the White Metal Rat

Chinese New Year is traditionally celebrated for 16 days. On holidays in the cities of China, festivities are held with vivid traditional performances and performances.

The color of the Chinese New Year is always red, due to the ancient legend of the monster named Nyan. On the eve of the holiday, the monster came out of the water and pounced on people and cattle, so everyone was hiding in their homes. Once an old man came to the village and asked for an overnight stay in exchange for protection from the monster. When the residents agreed, he marked the houses with red paint, lit candles in every house and launched fireworks. The monster, as legend has it, was frightened of red and loud sounds and left people alone, and candles, fireworks and an abundance of red became permanent attributes of the Chinese New Year.

The Chinese believe that as you celebrate the New Year, you will spend it, so they try to settle disputes before this holiday, forget grievances, pay off debts, not take loans and wish everyone peace and good luck.

Chinese and Vietnamese students studying at the Faculty of International Education are also preparing for the meeting of the White Metal Rat Year.

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Exam preparation

Foreign students of the pre-university education 2019/2020 of group 31 (Duan Tintin and Li Juifang from China) and group A2 (Kassambara Antiamba from Mali) are preparing to pass their first exams at NTU “KhPI”

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Upcoming lesson-concert “Festival of Friendship”

The department begins preparations for the annual lesson “Festival of Friendship”. Students are inspired by the upcoming event and with interest joined in the work: they prepare presentations about their countries and national creative numbers.


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New Year’s concert

The Faculty of International Education congratulate students with New Year!

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