

Second level of higher education
in specialty 075 Marketing
field of knowledge: 07 Management and Administration


1 Mandatory educational components Semester
1.1 General training
GT 1 Basics of the scientific research 1
GT 2 Data analysis tools 1
1.2 Special (professional) training
ST1 Strategic marketing 1
ST2 Relationship marketing 1
ST3 Brand management 1
ST4 Communication, negotiations, mediation 1
ST5 Management of innovative development 1
ST6 Project management in marketing 2
ST7 Practice 3
2 Elective educational components
Professional training
2.1.1 Profiled package of disciplines 01 “Advertising business”
OP1.1 Electronic commerce 2
OP1.2 Advertising technologies 2
OP1.3 Advertising management 2
2.1.2  Profiled package of disciplines 02 “Marketing Management”
OP2.1 Time-management 2
OP2.2 Marketing in anti-crisis management 2
OP2.3 Marketing management 2
2.2  Disciplines of free choice of specialized training according to the list (the list is attached)
OPT1 Sales management on B2B and B2G markets 2
OPT2 Business planning and organization 2
OPT3 Diagnostics of marketing activities 2
OPT4 Foreign economic marketing activity 2
OPT5 Digital technologies in marketing 2
OPT6 Providing innovations 2

Guide for academic group of the 2023/2024 academic year EP “Marketing”

1 semester БЕМ-М923dіа.е
1 semester БЕМ-М923іk.е
2 semester БЕМ-М923іk.е