International Scientific and Methodological Conference “Student Personality Development in the Context of the New European Paradigm”

The Department of Cross-cultural Communication and Foreign Language

of the National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”

together with Buckinghamshire New University (High Wycombe, GB), HESAM University (Paris, France), University of Ljubljana (Ljubljana, Slovenia) invites you to take part

in the International Scientific and Methodological Conference “Student Personality Development in the Context of the New European Paradigm,” held on December, 22, 2023 online in Teams (link will be sent before the event).

The event’s purpose is the humanization of education in Ukraine, i.e., the need to train the teaching staff of Ukrainian higher education institutions per the new European paradigm to humanize the educational process and train competent specialists of a new generation.

Main issues proposed for discussion:

– current issues of modern education in Ukraine and Europe;

– Formation of a new educational paradigm: theoretical and practical principles;

– personality of a modern student and socio-cultural environment;

– training of specialists of a new generation;

– the phenomenon of student competence in the context of the new paradigm;

– implementation of the European paradigm in Ukraine;

– development of the teacher’s personality in the context of the new European paradigm.

Languages of the conference: Ukrainian and English.

Participation: free of charge.

Please fill in the registration form:

Deadline for submission of registration forms and texts:  December, 20, 2023.

Speaking time: 7 minutes and 3 minutes for questions and answers.

Requirements for the text for the electronic collection of conference materials:

– text volume from 2 to 5 pages (Times New Roman font, size 14, interval 1, all margins 2 cm, indentation 1.25 cm).

The text is sent in the registration form and also duplicated to the email address:

– structure and example of formatting:

  1. TITLE (in capital letters, centered)
  2. Full name (Larchenko V.V.) (in italics on the following line, aligned to the right)
  3. HEI (National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”) (italics on the following line, full name, proper alignment)
  4. One line
  5. Abstract (3-5 lines; in Ukrainian and English; italicize the word “abstract,” no indentation, width alignment).
  6. Keywords: 3-7 (“Key words” in italics, no indentation, width alignment).
  7. One line.
  8. Introduction (relevance, subject, and object of the study, purpose, and objectives, novelty) (“Introduction” in italics, width alignment).
  9. Main text: methodology, research itself (“Main text” in italics, width alignment).
  10. Conclusions (“Conclusions” in italics, width alignment).
  11. List of references. Examples of bibliographic references in the list of sources cited in the dissertation and the list of published works cited in the abstract | Poltava State Agrarian University ( (“References” in italics, width alignment, automatic numbering)

Texts that do not meet the requirements will not be published.

If you have any questions, please get in touch with us at:

We are waiting for you at the conference!