The summer school at the Rhein-Waal University of Applied Sciences has started!

We have started!
Activities of the summer school “Building Sustainable Economies after the Crisis” at the Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences (Germany) continue for the third day. There are 13 students of NTU “KhPI” and 8 students of Rhine-Waal University who take part in the school activities.
In three days, we managed to receive important and useful inputs from the leading professors of the Rhine-Waal University (Prof. Dr. habil. Gregor van der Beek, Prof. Dr. Jacob Lempp, Prof. Dr. Philipp Schorn, Prof. Dr. Wögen Tadsen), we formed teams for the challenges and received the first consultations regarding the challenges from the mentors (NTU “KhPI” professors Taras Danko, Natalia Shyriaieva, Olena Chaikova, Iryna Sitak).
And also today we had a wonderful workshop on creating ideas for the sustainable development of the Kharkiv city from Professor Dr. Klaus Krumme, and. Dr. Jan-Hendrik Kamlage.
Our students are communicative and creative, and we look forward to further creativity in the development of challenge-based projects.
To be continued!
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