Two educational programs of Management Department obtained international accreditation!

We have something to be proud of! Our bachelor’s programs in Management of Organizations and Administration and Business Administration have been accredited by the international accreditation commission ZEvA – Zentrale Evaluations- und Akkreditierungsagentur – the Central Agency for Evaluation and Accreditation (Germany).
The expert assessment of the educational programs took place in September 2023, and the received accreditation certificates have already been confirmed by the Ukrainian National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance (Protocol No. 9 (59) of 16.04.2024). Thus, our programs are accredited until 2030, which confirms the high quality of business education at NTU “KPI”.
Recalling how this happened, we would like to note the high professionalism of the team of experts*, and express our gratitude to them for their constructive comments and suggestions. We would also like to cite the message of the Chairman of the Commission, Professor Eric Schoop:

My personal thanks to all colleagues in Kharkiv – I am looking forward to the offered future visit in your city and university! Wish you all the best for your activities!


* Expert Panel:

  • Prof Dr. Julian Reichwald, Professor for Business Informatics (Digital Business Technologies), Mannheim University of Applied Sciences, Head of Virtual Engineering Competence Center
  • Prof. Dr. Eric Schoop, Technische Universität Dresden, Chair of Information Management, Faculty of Business and Economics (academic representative)
  • Prof. Dr. Christine Volkmann (Schumpeter School of Business and Economics, Universität Wuppertal, UNESCO-Chair for Entrepreneurship and Intercultural Management) (academic representative)
  • Dr. Ievgen Ryzhenko, Didactic Manager at Festo Ukraine, member of NAQA, (representative for the profession, desktop evaluation)
  • Patrizia Jaroscinsky-Bartzel (studies Customer Relationship Management at Technical Univerisity Chemnitz (M.A.); student expert)
  • ZEvA Project Coordinator: Dr. Barbara Haferkorn
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