темпусThe Department of PPUSS takes part in the International Project “ELITE” – “Education for Leadership, Intelligence and Talent Development” within the Tempus program.

The aim of the project is to strengthen the role of Ukrainian universities in the implementation of state policy on human resource development (HRD) as generators of social progress through the implementation of leadership and organizational capacity development services.

The project consortium includes:

University of Greenwich (London, UK);

Ranmore Consulting (UK);

University of Tampere (Finland);

Kaunas Technical University (Lithuania) – the Project’s grant holder;

Estonian Business School (Estonia);

Target group: Higher education institutions – students, teachers, trainers; administrative staff; clients. Government institutions – leaders and staff.

The ELITE project started in December 2013 and will run for three years (until November 2016)


Leadership Centre

In January 2015, the Centre for Leadership was opened at NTU “KPI” on the basis of the Methodological Department and the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Social Systems Management. This is a specialized research and training unit within the framework of the joint international project “ELITE” – “Education for Leadership, Intelligence and Talent Development” within the Tempus program.

The main goal of the ELITE project is to strengthen the role of Ukrainian universities as generators of social progress in the implementation of state policy on human resource development through the implementation of leadership and organizational capacity development services.

The main objectives of the Leadership Centre are:

  1. Development of theoretical foundations, methodological principles, practical tools and recommendations for the formation, training and proper development of managerial leaders among future professionals, academic staff and university employees.

  2. Identification of personalities with leadership qualities among students for the purpose of further targeted development of their managerial competence, strategic thinking, innovative orientation, clear worldview positions and preparation for effective leadership.

  3. Strengthening the role of Ukrainian higher education in the implementation of the state policy on human resources development as a generator of social progress through targeted implementation of services for the development of leadership and organizational potential of future professionals.

  4. Identification of social needs for leadership and management personnel and requirements for their professional and social competence and development of their professionally and socially significant personal qualities.

  5. Organization of practical pedagogical activities for training, education and personal development of a new generation of national elite and leaders-managers to perform their functions.


Picture9Study visit of the TEMPUS project “Education for Leadership, Intelligence and Talent Development” (Estonia)

The study visit took place in Tallinn, Estonia, from 18 to 22 May 2015. The team of participants consisted of 21 experts, representatives of 11 universities of Ukraine. NTU “KPI” was represented by the teachers of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Social Systems Management, Professor T. Gura and Associate Professor N. Sereda.

The participants of the visit were divided into 2 subgroups, each subgroup was trained according to a specific program. The first subgroup mastered the methodology of executive coaching training at the Executive Training Centre of the Estonian Business School. The Executive Education Centre of Estonian Business School (EESEC) is a member of the Estonian Business School Group; it is the leading educational institute in Estonia, plays the role of an intermediate link between the business world and the university, focusing on meeting the training requirements of business organizations by offering training and consultancy in various management functions. Our university was represented by Associate Professor Sereda N.V. The participants of the training were introduced to the techniques of how to improve the personal effectiveness of a future manager, develop leadership skills in a novice manager, what conditions are needed to improve the quality of management and communication; with the techniques of how to learn to comprehensively consider and objectively assess the current situation, as well as how to find the most effective ways to solve problems to achieve the goals and achieve the desired result in the shortest possible time and at the lowest cost. At the end of the training, expert Sereda N.V. successfully passed the final test and was awarded an internationally recognized certificate.

The 2nd subgroup, which included Professor Gura T.V., worked on a separate program, which included: acquaintance with the peculiarities of leadership training at the Estonian Business School (EBS). It is the oldest private business university in the Baltic States. The goal of the school is to help active and enterprising people to acquire academic education and the necessary skills to use it, to direct our students to employers and to serve society as a whole. Over the 25 years of its existence, EBS has grown to become one of the largest private universities in the Baltic States teaching entrepreneurship and business administration. EBS offers a number of bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral programs in management and entrepreneurship. The Estonian Business School has more than 70 partner universities from Europe, America, Australia and Asia, ensuring a large-scale exchange of students and teachers.

The program participants were also introduced to the work of the Estonian Higher and Vocational Education Quality Agency (EKKA) and the education system at Tallinn University of Technology (TTU). The most memorable excursion was the tour of the Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship of Tallinn University of Technology MEKTORY, its laboratories: mobile services and media, IT laboratory for developing and testing applications for mobile devices, woodworking, painting, video studio and many others. The center has all the conditions for fruitful work, as well as combining scientific activity with psycho-emotional relief. For this purpose, there is a room for receiving representatives of foreign countries, a modern and cozy conference room, a winter garden, a sauna, and a swimming pool.

At the end of the visit, the results were summed up at a round table. Particular attention was paid to the issues of leadership training in Estonia and plans for further activities in 2015 within the framework of the TEMPUS project “Education for Leadership, Intelligence and Talent Development” were discussed. During the conversation with Professor Olav Aarne, Professor Gura T.V. and Associate Professor Sereda N.V. received his consent to join the editorial board of the scientific publication “Theory and Practice of Social Systems Management”.

During their free time, the project participants not only got acquainted with the monuments of Estonian cultural heritage, but also discussed the thematic focus of future methodological developments under the Education for leadership, Intelligence and Talent Encouraging program.

12Participants of the visit from 11 Ukrainian partners of the TEMPUS program “Education for Leadership, Intelligence and Talent Development” (Estonian Business School, May 2015)




2Students of Estonian Business School prepare for seminars




3In the center: Olav Aarne, right: Associate Professor Sereda N., left: Professor Gura T.





4Доц Середа Н.В. (В центрі) після отримання сертифікату тренера Міжнародного класу








5Директор Агентства якості вищої та професійної освіти Естонії Хелі Меттісон








Picture1Кампуси Талліннського технічного університету (Tallinn University of Technology)






Picture4Центр інновацій та підприємництва Талліннського технічного університету МEKTORY






Picture7Професор кафедри ППУСС Гура Т.В. та доцент кафедри ППУСС Середа Н.В. поряд з Естонським парламентом у старому місті








Урочисте вручення сертифікатів учасникам візиту

Picture8    Picture10


Visiting section of the TEMPUS project “Education for Leadership, Intelligence and Talent Development” (Finland)

ПRepresentatives of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Social Systems Management of NTU “KhPI” (Professor Moroz V.M. and Associate Professor Chala Y.N.) took an active part in the work of the TEMPUS Project “Education for Leadership, Intelligence and Talent Development”, the field section of which was held at the University of Tampere (Tampere, Finland) and the Finnish Higher Education Evaluation Council (Helsinki, Finland).

The participants of the seminar discussed the phenomenon of leadership in the Finnish higher education system and its impact on the quality of professional education (Dr. Vuokko Kohtamäki, University of Tampere, Finland). The lecture by Professor Seppo Hölttä (Head of Higher education Group, MARIHE Academic Director at University of Tampere) was interesting and useful, given the goal of the ELITE project, who not only highlighted the content and features of the implementation of study programs at the University of Tampere, but also focused on the development of the principles of international cooperation in the field of education. During the conversation with Professor Seppo Hölttä, Professor Moroz V.M. and Associate Professor Chala Y.M. received his consent to join the editorial board of the scientific publication “Theory and Practice of Social Systems Management”.

While staying at the Finnish Higher Education Evaluation Council (Helsinki), the project participants got acquainted with the system of independent evaluation of higher education institutions and the peculiarities of using mechanisms of independent audit of the quality of their functioning and development.

During their free time, the project participants not only got acquainted with the monuments of cultural heritage of Finland, but also discussed the thematic focus of future methodological developments, the elaboration of which is provided by the program Education for leadership, Intelligence and Talent Encouraging.

In the near future, representatives of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Social Systems Management of NTU “KhPI” will take part in other field sections of the TEMPUS Education for Leadership, Intelligence and Talent Encouraging Project in Kaunas (Lithuania), Tallinn (Estonia) and London (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland).

Учасники Проекту програми TEMPUS «Освіта для лідерства, інтелігентності та розвитку таланту під час відвідування University of Tampere (06.04.2015)
Учасники Проекту програми TEMPUS «Освіта для лідерства, інтелігентності та розвитку таланту під час відвідування University of Tampere (06.04.2015)
Представники кафедри ППУСС під час відвідування Finnish Higher Education Evaluation Council) (09.04.2015)
Представники кафедри ППУСС під час відвідування Finnish Higher Education Evaluation Council) (09.04.2015)
Доцент кафедри ППУСС Чала Ю.М. під час спілкування з Нarri Peltoniemi (Director of Finnish Higher Education Evaluation Council) (09.04.2015)
Доцент кафедри ППУСС Чала Ю.М. під час спілкування з Нarri Peltoniemi (Director of Finnish Higher Education Evaluation Council) (09.04.2015)
Професор кафедри ППУСС Мороз В.М. під час демонстрації студентом University of Tamperе результатів виконання практичного завдання на 3D принтері (08.04.2015)
Професор кафедри ППУСС Мороз В.М. та Dr. Vuokko Kohtamäki (07.04.2015)
Професор кафедри ППУСС Мороз В.М. під час демонстрації студентом University of Tamperе результатів виконання практичного завдання на 3D принтері (08.04.2015)
Професор кафедри ППУСС Мороз В.М. під час демонстрації студентом University of Tamperе результатів виконання практичного завдання на 3D принтері (08.04.2015)
Професор кафедри ППУСС Мороз В.М. та доцент кафедри ППУСС Чала Ю.М. поруч з Кафедральним собором на Сенатській площі в Гельсінкі під час знайомства з пам’ятками архітектури (09.04.2015)
Професор кафедри ППУСС Мороз В.М. та доцент кафедри ППУСС Чала Ю.М. поруч з Кафедральним собором на Сенатській площі в Гельсінкі під час знайомства з пам’ятками архітектури (09.04.2015)
 Доцент кафедри ППУСС Чала Ю.М. у творчій майстерні студентів University of Tamperе (08.04.2015)
Доцент кафедри ППУСС Чала Ю.М. у творчій майстерні студентів University of Tamperе (08.04.2015)


Training for experts

On 17.02.2015, the Research and Development Institute of Leadership Culture of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University hosted a training for experts within the framework of the TEMPUS project “Education for Leadership, Intelligence and Talent Development”.

Experts from the Leadership Centre of NTU “KPI”, together with colleagues from the National Aviation University (Kyiv) and I.I. Mechnikov Odesa National University, took part in a psychological training that allowed experts to get acquainted and demonstrate their professional skills, as well as received instructions on further implementation of the project.











Study visit to the University of Greenwich (London, UK)

On 9-11 June 2015, within the framework of the Elite project, the Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Social Systems Management of NTU “KPI” Romanovskyi O. and Senior Lecturer Knysh A. participated in a study visit to the University of Greenwich (London, UK). The visit was also attended by representatives of the Institute of Higher Education of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine (S. Kalashnikova, I. Prokhor), Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University (V. Milyaeva), National Aviation University (I. Zarubinska), and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

During the visit, the Department’s staff took part in trainings and masterclasses by leading British scientists and educators:

  • Leadership Development in Higher Education. Approaches and experience of their implementation (Tom Kenny, Ranmore Consulting);
  • The importance of trust in the process of leadership implementation (Prof. Gil Jamieson);
  • Using computer games for leadership development (Jim Gritton);
  • Leadership in an autonomous university (Prof. Ian McNay).

The participants of the visit had the opportunity not only to get acquainted with the theories of modern leadership, but also to see first-hand the effectiveness of approaches on the example of the British university.