Social security

Field of knowledge 23 Social work

Competition proposals:

Master’s degree 232 Social security, OPP Management in the field of social security

23 Social work

The difficult situation in the country due to martial law, the need for effective social security for victims, internally displaced persons, as well as persons in difficult life circumstances, and an effective volunteer movement – all this is the key to the revival of the country and the advantages of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Social Systems Management in training in-demand specialists in the field of social work and social security.

Master’s degree 232 Social Security, competition proposal 2023 – Management in the field of social security

Form of study:

Full-time budget/contract

part-time contract

The advantages of the specialty include:

  • study of educational and professional training of specialists in the field of social security;
  • Acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities by higher education students, with the help of which they will be able to solve problems in the field of social security using the provisions and methods of modern management technologies;
  • mastering ‘soft skills’ by social security specialists: learning to work with emotions, teamwork, developing initiative, creativity and confidence in their actions in future professional activities. ensuring the ability to accept criticism and provide critical feedback.

Opportunities for further employment: managers (administrators) in education, healthcare and social services; managers (administrators) in the social sector; professionals in the field of labour and employment; professionals in the field of social protection; social protection inspectors.

Graduates receive a master’s degree in social security of the state standard.

Graduates are able to perform professional types of work and hold primary positions whose job duties require the possession of competencies in the field of social security in accordance with the National Classification of Ukraine: Classifier of Occupations (DK 003:2010) and the professional standard ‘Social Manager’, approved by the Order of the Ministry for Development of Economy, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine No. 261 dated 10.02.2021.

148 – Managers (administrators) in education, healthcare and social services.

1483 – Managers (managers) in the social sphere.

2412 – Professionals in the field of labor and employment.

2446 – Professionals in the field of social protection of the population.

3443 – Social security inspectors.


Taking into account the current realities of the social security system, higher education students acquire ‘soft skills’, namely: they learn to work with emotions, teamwork, develop initiative, creativity and confidence in their actions in future professional activities.

The introduction of managerial, psychological, pedagogical, information and communication technologies in the learning process will contribute to the comprehensive formation of future social security professionals’ readiness for practical work and reduce the period of adaptation during the performance of professional duties.

Download Educational and professional program ‘Management in the field of social security’

The program involves studying issues of state social policy, national security in the field of social protection, management philosophy, systematic approach to management and organization of managerial work, basics of information and analytical activities of the head of a social institution, leadership in the management of social processes, etc.

The quality of training is ensured by qualified teachers of the department, doctors and candidates of sciences in public administration, pedagogical, psychological, technical sciences.

The department has fruitful business relations with the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, educational and social institutions of Ukraine and other countries.

Students have the opportunity to undergo internships at their place of work or in social services. Qualification works (diploma projects) can be defended in Ukrainian and English.

Due to the introduction of personnel management issues into the content of disciplines, the use of elements of information and communication technologies in the field of ‘Social Work’, competencies in organisational and managerial activities in social services are formed.

Our contacts

We will be glad to see you at the address: Kharkiv, 61002, Kirpichova St., building U-2, 2nd floor, Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Social Systems Management named after Academician I.A. Zyazyun

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Website of the department:

For admission, please contact::, +38 099 14-56-750

Head of the Department: проф. Prof. Nina Pidbutska, tel. +38(050)98-56-304

Head of the department: проф. prof. Larysa Hren

(Telegram, Viber – +38 (050) 613-50-73)