Cooperation with the British Council

Visit to “Oxford Brookes University”

The delegation of scientists, teachers and students of NTU “KhPI” headed by the rector of the university, Professor E.I. Sokol visited Oxford Brookes University. The visit took place from 24 to 28 October 2018 to discuss with English colleagues the joint work on the won grant within the framework of the program “Development of leadership potential of Ukrainian universities”.


At the meeting with the management of Oxford Brookes University, the Rector of NTU “KhPI” Prof. Sokol Y.I. made a presentation about the university, and the Head of the Department of PPUSS named after Academician I.A. Zyazyun of NTU “KhPI” Prof. Romanovsky O.G. made a report on the work done by the department on the joint project.


Face-to-face.  Meeting with Maxine Fletcher, Head of the Department of Psychology at Oxford Brookes University.

After the meeting, I had a very pleasant feeling because our opinions on all key scientific and educational concepts completely coincide. The number of teachers and students in our departments also coincides. Approximately 550 at each department. However, they outnumber us due to their branch in Hong Kong, where they have another 750 students. Our English colleagues have been pleased to agree to participate in the publication of joint articles and monographs in our international journals in the areas of psychology, higher education pedagogy and leadership.




Study visit to Oxford Brookes University

"Not a student for a teacher, but a teacher for a student"
(the main motto of Oxford Brookes University)

Within the framework of the International Project "Development of Leadership Potential of Ukrainian Universities" (project coordinators: British Council in Ukraine and the Institute of Higher Education of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine), the team of our university made a study visit to Oxford Brookes University (UK) from 23 to 29 October 2018.

The team of our university was headed by the Rector, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Professor Sokol. The team included: Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Social Systems Management named after Academician I.A. Ziaziun, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor O.G. Romanovskyi Head of the Methodological Department, Candidate of Psychology, Professor Yurii Panfilov, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Social Systems Management named after Academician I.A. Ziaziun, Candidate of Pedagogy, Gura T.V., Associate Professor of the same department, Candidate of Psychology Knysh A.E., Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Education, Candidate of Pedagogy Tiniakov A.O. and student of the SGT-15a group Mishakova D. (photo 1).

The main purpose of the visit was to get acquainted with the experience of training young teachers at a British university. During the visit, the team met with the Vice-Chancellor for Global Engagement and Research, Professor Linda King; Vice-Chancellor for Teaching and Student Affairs, Anne-Marie Kilday; Director of the Oxford Brookes University Researcher Development Program, Professor Susan Brookes; Director of the Oxford Centre for Staff Development and Training, Professor Jackie Potter; Senior Lecturer, winner of the Oxford Brookes Best Lecturer 2018 nomination Louis Bones, Head of the Department of Psychology, Health and Professional Development Maxine Fletcher, as well as with the university's student activists (photos 2, 3, 4).

As a result of the visit, personal and professional contacts were established in a warm and friendly atmosphere with the teachers of the British university, the experience of training young teachers at the university and the training of leaders among students was studied.

Representatives of our university made a vivid presentation of our university, the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Social Systems Management, and the training program for young teachers. During the meetings, the terms of cooperation between our university and Oxford Brookes University were discussed. The British university was interested in joint research under the Erasmus KA1 program, and an agreement was reached to create a joint electronic publication and publish a monograph on the training of young leaders.

After the study visit to the British university, the university began to actively implement a multi-module program of professional development for young teachers, which resulted in the methodological seminar "School of Young Lecturer", which started working on 20 November 2018 on the basis of the methodological department of the university and the Leadership Centre of the I.A. Zyazyun Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Social Systems Management.

Authors of the article:Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Social Systems Management named after Academician I.A. Ziayun, Professor O.G. Romanovskyi, Professor of the Department T.V. Gura.




Leadership Development Program for Ukrainian Universities

Employees of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Social Systems Management have won the competitive selection for the Leadership Development Program for Ukrainian Universities, which will be implemented from February 2018 to February 2019. The co-organizers of the program are the British Council in Ukraine, the Leadership Foundation for Higher Education (UK), and the Institute of Higher Education of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine. The program is supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

According to the terms of the program, the team of NTU "KhPI" included representatives of various structural units of the university.

During 2018, the team of NTU "KhPI" should implement the project "Reforming the system of training young teachers", which will include:

  • Assessment of the needs of young teachers in professional development;
  • Development of the concept of a new system for preparing young teachers for professional activity;
  • Discussion of the concept at the Academic Council of NTU "KhPI";
  • Development and implementation of a system of trainings and master classes for young teachers.

In the course of the project, the team of NTU "KhPI" will visit a UK university to learn about the British experience of working with young teachers.

In the course of the program, the participants will take part in trainings organized by the British Council and the Foundation for Leadership in Higher Education.