Cooperation with Virginia Tech

Online Science Festival

SWPSIn cooperation with Virginia Tech, on 11 November 2023, teachers and students of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Social Systems Management had the opportunity to take part in the Online Science Festival.

The festival was organized by the Center for Educational Networks and Impacts to promote science among children and adolescents.

This year’s Festival focuses on the use of modern technologies (robotics, artificial intelligence, renewable energy) to support the well-being of society. The organizers were inspired by the idea that science should not work on abstract tasks, but on solving key problems of environmental protection, providing citizens with cheap resources, etc. Such ideas about the interaction between science and society are extremely important in the context of Ukraine’s post-war recovery and have inspired the department’s scientists to create new programs and educational events.


Договір про співпрацю з Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Online meeting with scientists from Virginia Tech University

SWPSOn 03.02.23, the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Social Systems Management named after Academician I. Ziayun held an online meeting with representatives of the School of Education at Virginia Tech University, USA, to discuss the prospects for further cooperation between our universities.

Despite the war, NTU “KPI” continues to work actively and strengthen international cooperation. The following areas were identified as promising: American professors conducting workshops on “Leadership in Education” for teachers, students, and postgraduate students of NTU “KhPI”; participation of partners from Virginia Tech in NTU “KhPI” conferences; writing collective monographs, and much more. We hope for fruitful cooperation between Ukrainian and American scientists. The whole progressive world supports Ukraine! Glory to Ukraine!