Leadership Centre of NTU ‘KhPI’

What is the Leadership Centre of NTU “KHPI”?

Тренинг конфликтология

The Leadership Centre at NTU “KHPI” has been operating since October 2015. The centre was established on the basis of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Social Systems Management of NTU “KHPI” within the framework of the ELITE project – ‘Education for Leadership, Intelligence and Talent Development’ within the Tempus programme. At the moment, the centre is equipped with a modern system of leadership training, which includes a video conferencing system, laptops, the latest software, and a simultaneous translation system for international trainings, seminars, and conferences


Practical trainingDiagnostics of leadership qualitiesMethodologyTrendsImplementation of the government policy
Organisation of practical activities for the training, education and personal development of managerial leaders.
Identification of individuals among the programme participants who have leadership qualities for the purpose of further targeted development of their managerial competence, strategic thinking, innovative orientation, clear worldview and preparation for effective leadership.
Development of theoretical foundations and practical methods for the formation, training and development of managerial leaders.
Determination of the public demand for leaders-managers, requirements for their professional and social competence, development of their professional and socially important personal qualities.
Strengthening the role of Ukrainian higher education in the implementation of the state policy on human resources development as a generator of social progress through targeted implementation of services for the development of leadership and organisational potential of future professionals.


3 simple steps on the way to leadership:

1. Diagnostics of psychological qualities.


2. Getting practical recommendations from specialists.

Практисеские рекомендации1

3. Participation in trainings and workshops.


How is a leader trained at the Leadership Centre?

Тренинг конфликтология

  • Development of memory, thinking, intelligence.
  • Development of emotional intelligence.
  • Development of creativity.
  • Formation of positive thinking.
  • Formation of the leader’s ability to adaptive management.

What forms does this take??

The Leadership Centre of NTU ‘’KPI‘’ has training programmes of different duration and content.