Study tour of students to SWPS

SWPSOn 13-18 May 2015, the first study tour of students majoring in Psychology to the University of Social Psychology and Humanities (SWPS – Poland, Warsaw) took place.




The purpose of the visit:

  •  Acquaintance with the university, teachers and teaching and learning facilities

  • Attend lectures and seminars on the course “Positive Psychology in a Cross-Cultural Perspective” and acquire theoretical knowledge

  • Preparation and presentation of projects on given topics in the field of positive psychology together with Polish students and students at Saint Rose College, USA

  •  Acquaintance with cultural and historically significant places of Warsaw, in the process of educational and entertaining event “City Game”

Picture1Working environment at the seminars of the course “Positive Psychology in a Cross-Cultural Perspective”




Picture3What makes us happy? Discussion in groups. Cross-cultural vision. Similarities and differences





Picture4The concept of happiness in different cultures. Presentation of similarities and differences






Picture5Lecture by world-renowned American social psychologist, Stanford University professor Philip Zimbardo





Picture6City Game. Exploring cultural and historically significant places in Warsaw





Picture7Presentation of projects





Picture1After the successful presentations, a group photo: students of NTU “KPI” / SWPS / St. Rose College and teachers