About the department



The activities of the Department of Law of the National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” are aimed at forming the legal culture of future specialists and promoting the training of qualified specialists who will be able to understand their rights and responsibilities, protect their interests, make informed decisions and work successfully in the modern world.


The main thing

The Department of Law at the National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” is one of the first law departments at technical universities of Ukraine. Founded in 1998, it has many years of experience in educating well-informed young people who are ready for modern challenges.

The development of civil society in Ukraine required new approaches to higher education, and the Department of Law of NTU “KhPI” responds to these challenges by providing students with up-to-date knowledge and skills.

The department employs teachers, many of whom have academic degrees and titles, which guarantees a high level of professionalism and competence. An important feature of the department is the teaching of many disciplines in English, which allows students to acquire the necessary language skills and increase their competitiveness in the labor market.

The teachers of the department are the founders and leaders of student scientific circles, which are of great importance in the formation of practical and theoretical knowledge and skills of students.

During the years of work, the department received more than 10 author’s certificates, published a large number of scientific works, including monographs, textbooks, training manuals and articles. This testifies to the active scientific activity of the team and its contribution to the development of legal science.

In today’s world, legal knowledge is becoming more and more important for the successful functioning of society. Legal literacy is necessary to ensure the rights and freedoms of citizens, resolve conflicts, maintain order and stability. In addition, legal knowledge is necessary for building a democratic society, ensuring human rights and developing a legal culture, the ability to analyze and understand legal norms allows you to effectively interact with other participants in social processes, develop critical thinking and make informed decisions. The Department of Law of NTU “KhPI” is trying to provide all this.