History of the department

In 1998, the rector of the University decided to create a special department – the Department of Law. It was connected with the need to expand and deepen the legal knowledge among student youth, the opening of new specialties that needed a more comprehensive legal training. These tasks were the basis for creation of the department, headed by candidate of philosophical sciences – Perevalova Ludmila Viktorovna, at the time she was assistant professor of sociology and law. It was the first time creation of a legal department in a technical high institution.

First of all it was necessary to form the staff of the department, to develop training programs and plans of the many disciplines that have not previously been taught at the university, to repair and prepare the premises of the department. All this was done. And from the new academic, the department started working. When the department was then only five teachers who worked in the department of sociology and law. During the years of existence of the department, the number of teachers increased, because the number of training courses that are taught in different departments and specialties increased.

Over the years, the university opened new faculties and new departments. The University trains specialists from almost all fields, and this requires new judicial disciplines. New courses being developed and taught considering the interests of the individual faculty and department. The main criterion of this approach is that each student received the necessary knowledge and skills so that he could use them in his professional activities. For students of the Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Business and Finance, taught courses such as “Law”, “Economic and Financial Law,” “Business Law”, “Labor Law”, “Environmental Law” and for specialists in the field, “Administrative Management” masters and other specialties are taught the course “Legal maintenance administrative activity.” When conducting seminars the main emphasis is on the individual work of students. To this end, the department had developed the test tasks, practical tasks, which make students to think independently, to analyze the existing legislation and to apply it in practice. Students learn to make various contracts, statements of claim, legal documents. To enhance individual work of students lecturers of the department are using business games. So together with the Department of Accounting and Auditing Economics Department seminars are held on “The tax control.” While preparing for the lesson students learn the Tax Code, tax documents, prepare for tax audits. Seminar was held by senior lecturer of law Garyaeva AM and a senior lecturer at the Department of Accounting and Auditing Shovkoplyas TV Students of the Faculty of Economics who learn at the specialty “Intellectual Property” take part at seminars on the theme “Protecting the rights of intellectual property,” which is conducted with the active participation of the State Inspector of intellectual property in the Kharkiv region. Students take part in the checks constitute acts, protocols, the results of this work are made reports and presentations that are presented at the seminar. For students of KIT and IF seminars are held on “Registration of business activity” during which students prepare founding documents, submit documents for registration, dispute unmotivated refusal in court.

Lecturers of the department carried out other interesting classes using role-playing games, tournaments, during the preparations for such seminars students receive the necessary professional knowledge and learning to make instruments, learn about different ways to protect their rights, improve their legal culture.

Joining to the Bologna Charter on request from the department, and not only from it change approaches to teaching. Lecturers of the department have developed distant courses “Law”, “Basic Constitutional Law of Ukraine”, “Legal regulation of foreign economic activity”, “Environmental Law”, “Entrepreneurial law”, “Economic and Financial Law,” “Tax Law”, “Contract Law”.

To prepare students who are learning English, lecturers of the department have been specially prepared lecture courses in “Law” and “Entrepreneurial law”, developed plans for practical classes, exercises for independent work in English.

The scientific work of the department devoted to the development of such important problem as the formation and development of civil society in Ukraine. In the context of this problem are carried out research and development of our teachers: it was protected by five PhD theses (Abram O.E., Yakovets I.S. Nesterenko P.V. Vasilyeva N.G., Lysenko I.V., published four monographs, published annually least 20 scientific articles and abstracts.

Lecturers of the department was working hard to attract students to research. Lecturers of the department successfully carry out management diploma and master work in “Intellectual Property”.

The interest in our disciplines is high enough, during any interviews students always point to the need for legal knowledge. This can be judged by the constant growth of the number of participants in competitions in law, student scientific conferences. Our students have participated in nationwide competitions in law and in spite of the fact that their opponents were the students of law schools, among the ten winners.

It became a good tradition to hold the humanities departments of student scientific conferences, prestige is growing. They are involved not only the students of NTU “KPI”, Ukrainian universities, but also students from other countries. Under the guidance lecturers of the department, students prepare reports at such international scientific conferences as “Ukraine and the World: Humanitarian and technical elites and social progress”, “Information technology: science, engineering, technology, education, health”, “Economic and legal basis for the enterprises “, ” European tradition of a contemporary Ukrainian youth”. Together with the teachers prepare and publish scholarly articles on various legal topics at Journal of NTU “KPI” “Actual problems of development of Ukrainian society.”

Lecturers of the department give a lot of attention to working with the students. Because, the main task of our entire system of education is not only the training of highly qualified specialists who are competitive in the labor market, but also primarily responsible citizens of an independent, democratic state.

During the academic year, the Department provides at the University days of legal knowledge, who are invited by law enforcement officials, Department of Justice, lawyers, human rights defenders.

During the work of the department was founded and successfully operated student scientific society “Jurist” where a senior lecturer Vergun VG successfully directed the work.

Lecturers of the department do not refuse to provide legal aid to students and university staff, advising them on many legal issues. In the newspaper “Polytechnic” in conjunction with the legal department of the University is heading “Legal literacy campaign,” where in “question – answer” we are trying to answer the most interesting questions. Responsible for this job Senior Lecturer Garyaeva GM, should be particularly emphasized his active work on the design and implementation of business games aimed at enhancing the learning process.

Over the years, the Department has collected a large library of law books, which are used by students and university staff. In this study merit employees. They are not only involved in drawing up and issuing catalogs of literature, and can provide expert assistance to our students when writing reports, essays, help pick up the legislation necessary for the solution of practical tasks. These department engineers are Zubco VV, Sofoklova OV, Horn ZO, Shablevskaya IY

Over the entire period of the existence of the department much has been done: defend dissertations, written materials and textbooks, constantly increasing volume of academic disciplines. Staff of the department successfully managed and continues to deal with all the problems, solve complex problems of the present.

Department is in the first educational building (U-1) on the 8th floor in the audience 805 Contact phone number: 707-62-09.