Educational and methodical support of disciplines

Educational and methodological support for the disciplines of the Department of Law in the repository of NTU “KhPI”

  1. L. V. Perevalova Legal foundations of intellectual property / L. V. Perevalova, O. E. Avramova, M. Yu. Gliznutsa // Intellectual property: master’s course: textbook / P. G. Pererva [and others]; ed.: P. G. Pererva, V. I. Borzenko, T. O. Kobeleva; National technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”. – Kharkiv: Planeta-Print, 2019. – Chap. 11. – pp. 819-949. URI:
  2. Garyaeva G. M. Contract law: teaching method. manual / H.M. Garyaeva; National technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”. – Kharkiv: NTU “KhPI”, 2015. – 128 p. URI:
  3. Management of innovative activities: master’s course: textbook. Part 2 / P. G. Pererva [etc.] ; ed. P. G. Pererva [etc.]. – Kharkiv: NTU “KhPI”, 2011. – 623 p. URI:
  4. Garyaeva G. M. International private law: teaching method. manual / H. M. Garyaeva, M. M. Tkachev; National technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”. – Kharkiv: NTU “KhPI”, 2018. – 126 p. URI:
  5. Garyaeva G. M. Administrative law of Ukraine: teaching method. manual / H.M. Garyaeva; National technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”. – Kharkiv: NTU “KhPI”, 2015. – 212 p. URI:
  6. Garyaeva G. M. Disposition of intellectual property rights and their protection: teaching method. manual / / H.M. Garyaev; National technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”. – Kharkiv: NTU “KhPI”, 2015. – 146 p. URI:
  7. Kuzmenko O. V. Developmental practicums in legal studies: teaching method. manual / O. V. Kuzmenko; National technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”. – Kharkiv: Yurayt, 2022. – 392 p. URI:
  8. Kuzmenko O. V. Practical tasks in jurisprudence: teaching method. manual / O. V. Kuzmenko. – 2nd ed., revision. and additional; National technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”. – Kharkiv: Yurayt, 2020. – 346 p. URI:
  9. State and regional administration: education. manual / S. I. Arkhiereev [etc.] ; ed. S. I. Arkhiereev; National technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”. – Kharkiv: I. S. Ivanchenko, 2018. – 127 p. URI:
  10. Reshetnyak N. B. Civil society as an object of students’ cognitive activity / N. B. Reshetnyak, O. IN. Kuzmenko // Philosophy in the modern world: materials of the city interuniversity science and practice. seminar, November 20-21, 2014 / ed. coll.: O. G. Romanovsky [and others]; National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” [etc.]. – Kharkiv: NTU “KhPI”, 2014. – S. 85-88. URI:
  11. Entrepreneurship: innovative activity, marketing, logistics processes, accounting and taxation: a textbook / R. Fortmuller [and others]; ed. O. I. Savchenko; National technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”. – Kharkiv: Planeta-print, 2016. – 600 p. – (A series of didactic materials on entrepreneurship education in higher education institutions of Ukraine “Entrepreneurial education as a key to success”). URI:
  12. Innovations in marketing and management: monograph / S. M. Ilyashenko [and others]; general ed. WITH. M. Ilyashenko. – Sumy: Papyrus Printing House, 2013. – 616 p. URI:
  13. Management, marketing and intellectual capital in the global economic space: monograph / P. G. Break [etc.] ; of science ed.: P. G. Break, O. AND. Savchenko, V. L. Tovazhnyanskyi; National technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”. – Kharkiv: Digital printing house No. 1, 2012. – 700 p. URI:
  14. Methodical recommendations for writing coursework in the discipline “Jurisprudence” / M. IN. Vasylieva, M. AT. Semko; Kharkiv. national ped. University named after G. WITH. Frying pans – Kharkiv: Fort, 2021. – 28 p. URI:
  15. Methodical materials for independent work of students in the discipline “Fundamentals of Law” (for bachelors) / M. IN. Vasylieva, M. AT. Semko; Kharkiv. national ped. University named after G. WITH. Frying pans – Kharkiv: Fort, 2019. – 26 p. URI:
  16. Hapotii V. D. Dictionary of legal terms / V. D. Hapotii, M. IN. Vasylieva, M. AT. Semko – Kharkiv: Leader, 2018. – 218 p. URI:
  17. Countermeasures against the obtaining of illegal benefits by an official by the economic protection units of the National Police of Ukraine: monograph / A. M. Lysenko [and others]. – Kharkiv: Fort, 2017. – 176 p. URI:
  18. Legal regulation of contractual relations / in English and Ukrainian: teaching. manual / Garyaeva H.M., Perevalova L. V., Gaevaya O. V., Lysenko I.V., Kuzmenko O. V.– Kharkiv: NTU “KhPI”, FOP Panov A.M., 2021. 404 p. URL:
  19. Legal regulation of entrepreneurial activity in Ukraine: Text of lectures for full-time and part-time students of economic specialties / V. G. Vergun, H. M. Garyaeva, O. V. Kuzmenko. – Kharkiv: FOP Panov A. M., 2021. 128 p. URL:
  20. Jurisprudence: teaching method. guide for full-time students of all majors / Perevalova L.V., Vergun V.G., Garyaeva H.M., Lysenko I.V., Kuzmenko O.V. – Kharkiv: FOP Panov A.M., 2019. – 98 p. URL:
  21. Jurisprudence: a textbook / Ed. : Perevalova L.V., Vergun V.G., Garyaeva H.M., Gaevaya O.V., Lysenko I.V., Kuzmenko O.V. – Kharkiv: FOP Panov A.M., 2019. – 224 with. URL:
  22. Legal means of managerial activity: educational method. manual / L.V. Perevalova, O.V. Gaevaya, G. M. Garyaeva, O. V. Kuzmenko, I. V. Lysenko. – Kharkiv: FOP Panov A. M., 2020. – 132 p. URL:
  23. Legal Thesaurus (Ukrainian-English). Educational method. manual. / L. V. Perevalova, H. M. Garyaeva, O. V. Gaevaya, I.V. Lysenko, M. M. Tkachev, O. V. Kuzmenko. Kharkiv:  KhPI National Technical University , 2021. 196 p. URL:
  24. Legal regulation of economic activity in Ukraine. Legal regulation of economic activities in Ukraine (in English). /Educational manual / L.V. Perevalova, I.V. Lysenko, A.M. Lysenko, O.V. Gaevaya, H.M. Haryaeva. – Kharkiv: NTU “KhPI”, 2020.-130 p. URL:
  25. Perevalova L. V. Legal regulation of the professional activity of a psychologist: educational method. manual / L. V. Perevalova, I. V. Lysenko, H. M. Garyaeva; National technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”. – Kharkiv: FOP Panov A. M., 2023. – 92 p. URL:
  26. Methodical instructions for practical classes from the educational course “Legal regulation of the professional activity of psychologists”: for students. and extracurricular forms of education that are studied for special 053 “Psychology” / edited by: L. V. Perevalova, I. V. Lysenko, H. M. Garyaeva; National technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”. – Kharkiv: FOP Panov A. M., 2023. – 52 p. URL:
  27. Regulatory and legal provision of information security in national and international cooperation: educational method. manual / L. V. Perevalova [etc.] ; National technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”. – Kharkiv: FOP Panov A. M., 2023. – 112 p. URL:
  28. Methodical instructions for practical classes from the training course “Regulatory and legal provision of information security in national and international cooperation” / comp.: L. IN. Perevalova, I. IN. Lysenko, G. M. Haryaeva. – Kharkiv: NTU “KhPI”, 2023. – 48 p. URL:
  29. Methodical instructions for the performance of control papers in legal disciplines: for part-time students. forms of education of all specialties / comp.: O. IN. Gaevaya [etc.] ; National technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”. – Kharkiv: Panov A. M., 2021. – 128 p. URL:
  30. Legal means of managerial activity: teaching method. manual / L. IN. Perevalova [etc.] ; National technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”. – Kharkiv: Panov A. M., 2020. – 50 p. URL:
  31. Perevalova L. IN. Legal regulation of the internal market of the European Union: teaching method. manual / L. IN. Perevalova, O. IN. Gaevaya, G. M. Haryaeva; National technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”. – Kharkiv: Panov A. M., 2020. – 70 p. URL:
  32. Methodical instructions for practical classes from the training course “Regulatory and legal provision of information security in national and international cooperation” / comp.: L. IN. Perevalova, I. IN. Lysenko, G. M. Haryaeva. – Kharkiv: NTU “KhPI”, 2023. – 48 p. URL:
  33.  Information law in the media sphere : educational method. manual / L. IN. Perevalova [etc.] ; National technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”. – Kharkiv: Panov A. M., 2018. – 191 p. URI:
  34. Intellectual property: master’s course: textbook / P. G. Break [etc.] ; ed.: P. G. Break, V. AND. Borzenko, T. AT. Kobeleva; National technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”. – Kharkiv: Planeta-Print, 2019. – 1002 p. URI:
  35. Legal regulation of labor relations: teacher. manual / L. IN. Perevalova [etc.] ; National technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”. – Kharkiv: Panov A. M., 2018. – 134 p. URI:
  36. Information law in the media sphere: lecture notes / L. IN. Perevalova [etc.] ; National technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”. – Kharkiv: Panov A. M., 2018. – 163 p. URI:
  37. Legal protection and disposal of intellectual property rights: teaching method. manual / L. V. Perevalova [etc.] ; National technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”. – Kharkiv: NTU “KhPI”, 2018. – 160 p. URI:
  38. Methodical instructions for practical lessons from the educational course “Legal foundations of intellectual property”: for full-time and part-time students / author: L. V. Perevalova, I. V. Lysenko, H. M. Garyaeva, M. M. Tkachev; National technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”. – Kharkiv: NTU “KhPI”, 2024. – 64 p. URI:
  39. Legal foundations of social sphere management in Ukraine [Electronic resource]: educational method. manual / L. V. Perevalova, I. V. Lysenko, A. M. Lysenko, H. M. Garyaeva; National technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”. – Electron. text. data. – Kharkiv, 2024. – 100 p. URI:
  40. Practicum for independent work of students from the discipline “Jurisprudence”: teaching. manual / Haevaya O.V., Garyaeva H.M., Kuzmenko O.V. and
    others. – Kh.: FOP Panov A. M., 2024. – 376 p. URI:
  41. Legal basis of management of the social sphere in Ukraine: methodical instructions for practical classes / editor: L. V. Perevalova, I. V. Lysenko,
    H. M. Garyaeva. – Kharkiv: NTU “KhPI”, 2024. – 84 p. URI:
  42. Kuzmenko O. V. Fundamentals of the doctrine of criminal offense: teaching. manual, 2nd ed., add. and processing. / O. V. Kuzmenko; National technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”. – Kharkiv: Yurayt, 2024. – 248 p.
  43. Methodical instructions for practical classes from the educational course “Legal regulation of business activity” / compiled by: L. V. Perevalova, V. G. Vergun, H. M. Garyaeva, I. V. Lysenko, O. V. Kuzmenko, M.M. Tkachev – Kharkiv: NTU “KhPI”, 2024. – 72 p.