Educational and methodological support for the disciplines of the Department of Law in the repository of NTU “KhPI”
- L. V. Perevalova Legal foundations of intellectual property / L. V. Perevalova, O. E. Avramova, M. Yu. Gliznutsa // Intellectual property: master’s course: textbook / P. G. Pererva [and others]; ed.: P. G. Pererva, V. I. Borzenko, T. O. Kobeleva; National technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”. – Kharkiv: Planeta-Print, 2019. – Chap. 11. – pp. 819-949. URI:
- Garyaeva G. M. Contract law: teaching method. manual / H.M. Garyaeva; National technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”. – Kharkiv: NTU “KhPI”, 2015. – 128 p. URI:
- Management of innovative activities: master’s course: textbook. Part 2 / P. G. Pererva [etc.] ; ed. P. G. Pererva [etc.]. – Kharkiv: NTU “KhPI”, 2011. – 623 p. URI:
- Garyaeva G. M. International private law: teaching method. manual / H. M. Garyaeva, M. M. Tkachev; National technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”. – Kharkiv: NTU “KhPI”, 2018. – 126 p. URI:
- Garyaeva G. M. Administrative law of Ukraine: teaching method. manual / H.M. Garyaeva; National technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”. – Kharkiv: NTU “KhPI”, 2015. – 212 p. URI:
- Garyaeva G. M. Disposition of intellectual property rights and their protection: teaching method. manual / / H.M. Garyaev; National technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”. – Kharkiv: NTU “KhPI”, 2015. – 146 p. URI:
- Kuzmenko O. V. Developmental practicums in legal studies: teaching method. manual / O. V. Kuzmenko; National technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”. – Kharkiv: Yurayt, 2022. – 392 p. URI:
- Kuzmenko O. V. Practical tasks in jurisprudence: teaching method. manual / O. V. Kuzmenko. – 2nd ed., revision. and additional; National technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”. – Kharkiv: Yurayt, 2020. – 346 p. URI:
- State and regional administration: education. manual / S. I. Arkhiereev [etc.] ; ed. S. I. Arkhiereev; National technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”. – Kharkiv: I. S. Ivanchenko, 2018. – 127 p. URI:
- Reshetnyak N. B. Civil society as an object of students’ cognitive activity / N. B. Reshetnyak, O. IN. Kuzmenko // Philosophy in the modern world: materials of the city interuniversity science and practice. seminar, November 20-21, 2014 / ed. coll.: O. G. Romanovsky [and others]; National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” [etc.]. – Kharkiv: NTU “KhPI”, 2014. – S. 85-88. URI:
- Entrepreneurship: innovative activity, marketing, logistics processes, accounting and taxation: a textbook / R. Fortmuller [and others]; ed. O. I. Savchenko; National technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”. – Kharkiv: Planeta-print, 2016. – 600 p. – (A series of didactic materials on entrepreneurship education in higher education institutions of Ukraine “Entrepreneurial education as a key to success”). URI:
- Innovations in marketing and management: monograph / S. M. Ilyashenko [and others]; general ed. WITH. M. Ilyashenko. – Sumy: Papyrus Printing House, 2013. – 616 p. URI:
- Management, marketing and intellectual capital in the global economic space: monograph / P. G. Break [etc.] ; of science ed.: P. G. Break, O. AND. Savchenko, V. L. Tovazhnyanskyi; National technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”. – Kharkiv: Digital printing house No. 1, 2012. – 700 p. URI:
- Methodical recommendations for writing coursework in the discipline “Jurisprudence” / M. IN. Vasylieva, M. AT. Semko; Kharkiv. national ped. University named after G. WITH. Frying pans – Kharkiv: Fort, 2021. – 28 p. URI:
- Methodical materials for independent work of students in the discipline “Fundamentals of Law” (for bachelors) / M. IN. Vasylieva, M. AT. Semko; Kharkiv. national ped. University named after G. WITH. Frying pans – Kharkiv: Fort, 2019. – 26 p. URI:
- Hapotii V. D. Dictionary of legal terms / V. D. Hapotii, M. IN. Vasylieva, M. AT. Semko – Kharkiv: Leader, 2018. – 218 p. URI:
- Countermeasures against the obtaining of illegal benefits by an official by the economic protection units of the National Police of Ukraine: monograph / A. M. Lysenko [and others]. – Kharkiv: Fort, 2017. – 176 p. URI:
- Legal regulation of contractual relations / in English and Ukrainian: teaching. manual / Garyaeva H.M., Perevalova L. V., Gaevaya O. V., Lysenko I.V., Kuzmenko O. V.– Kharkiv: NTU “KhPI”, FOP Panov A.M., 2021. 404 p. URL:
- Legal regulation of entrepreneurial activity in Ukraine: Text of lectures for full-time and part-time students of economic specialties / V. G. Vergun, H. M. Garyaeva, O. V. Kuzmenko. – Kharkiv: FOP Panov A. M., 2021. 128 p. URL:
- Jurisprudence: teaching method. guide for full-time students of all majors / Perevalova L.V., Vergun V.G., Garyaeva H.M., Lysenko I.V., Kuzmenko O.V. – Kharkiv: FOP Panov A.M., 2019. – 98 p. URL:
- Jurisprudence: a textbook / Ed. : Perevalova L.V., Vergun V.G., Garyaeva H.M., Gaevaya O.V., Lysenko I.V., Kuzmenko O.V. – Kharkiv: FOP Panov A.M., 2019. – 224 with. URL:
- Legal means of managerial activity: educational method. manual / L.V. Perevalova, O.V. Gaevaya, G. M. Garyaeva, O. V. Kuzmenko, I. V. Lysenko. – Kharkiv: FOP Panov A. M., 2020. – 132 p. URL:
- Legal Thesaurus (Ukrainian-English). Educational method. manual. / L. V. Perevalova, H. M. Garyaeva, O. V. Gaevaya, I.V. Lysenko, M. M. Tkachev, O. V. Kuzmenko. Kharkiv: KhPI National Technical University , 2021. 196 p. URL:
- Legal regulation of economic activity in Ukraine. Legal regulation of economic activities in Ukraine (in English). /Educational manual / L.V. Perevalova, I.V. Lysenko, A.M. Lysenko, O.V. Gaevaya, H.M. Haryaeva. – Kharkiv: NTU “KhPI”, 2020.-130 p. URL:
- Perevalova L. V. Legal regulation of the professional activity of a psychologist: educational method. manual / L. V. Perevalova, I. V. Lysenko, H. M. Garyaeva; National technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”. – Kharkiv: FOP Panov A. M., 2023. – 92 p. URL:
- Methodical instructions for practical classes from the educational course “Legal regulation of the professional activity of psychologists”: for students. and extracurricular forms of education that are studied for special 053 “Psychology” / edited by: L. V. Perevalova, I. V. Lysenko, H. M. Garyaeva; National technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”. – Kharkiv: FOP Panov A. M., 2023. – 52 p. URL:
- Regulatory and legal provision of information security in national and international cooperation: educational method. manual / L. V. Perevalova [etc.] ; National technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”. – Kharkiv: FOP Panov A. M., 2023. – 112 p. URL:
- Methodical instructions for practical classes from the training course “Regulatory and legal provision of information security in national and international cooperation” / comp.: L. IN. Perevalova, I. IN. Lysenko, G. M. Haryaeva. – Kharkiv: NTU “KhPI”, 2023. – 48 p. URL:
- Methodical instructions for the performance of control papers in legal disciplines: for part-time students. forms of education of all specialties / comp.: O. IN. Gaevaya [etc.] ; National technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”. – Kharkiv: Panov A. M., 2021. – 128 p. URL:
- Legal means of managerial activity: teaching method. manual / L. IN. Perevalova [etc.] ; National technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”. – Kharkiv: Panov A. M., 2020. – 50 p. URL:
- Perevalova L. IN. Legal regulation of the internal market of the European Union: teaching method. manual / L. IN. Perevalova, O. IN. Gaevaya, G. M. Haryaeva; National technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”. – Kharkiv: Panov A. M., 2020. – 70 p. URL:
- Methodical instructions for practical classes from the training course “Regulatory and legal provision of information security in national and international cooperation” / comp.: L. IN. Perevalova, I. IN. Lysenko, G. M. Haryaeva. – Kharkiv: NTU “KhPI”, 2023. – 48 p. URL:
- Information law in the media sphere : educational method. manual / L. IN. Perevalova [etc.] ; National technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”. – Kharkiv: Panov A. M., 2018. – 191 p. URI:
- Intellectual property: master’s course: textbook / P. G. Break [etc.] ; ed.: P. G. Break, V. AND. Borzenko, T. AT. Kobeleva; National technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”. – Kharkiv: Planeta-Print, 2019. – 1002 p. URI:
- Legal regulation of labor relations: teacher. manual / L. IN. Perevalova [etc.] ; National technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”. – Kharkiv: Panov A. M., 2018. – 134 p. URI:
- Information law in the media sphere: lecture notes / L. IN. Perevalova [etc.] ; National technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”. – Kharkiv: Panov A. M., 2018. – 163 p. URI:
- Legal protection and disposal of intellectual property rights: teaching method. manual / L. V. Perevalova [etc.] ; National technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”. – Kharkiv: NTU “KhPI”, 2018. – 160 p. URI:
- Methodical instructions for practical lessons from the educational course “Legal foundations of intellectual property”: for full-time and part-time students / author: L. V. Perevalova, I. V. Lysenko, H. M. Garyaeva, M. M. Tkachev; National technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”. – Kharkiv: NTU “KhPI”, 2024. – 64 p. URI:
- Legal foundations of social sphere management in Ukraine [Electronic resource]: educational method. manual / L. V. Perevalova, I. V. Lysenko, A. M. Lysenko, H. M. Garyaeva; National technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”. – Electron. text. data. – Kharkiv, 2024. – 100 p. URI:
- Practicum for independent work of students from the discipline “Jurisprudence”: teaching. manual / Haevaya O.V., Garyaeva H.M., Kuzmenko O.V. and
others. – Kh.: FOP Panov A. M., 2024. – 376 p. URI: - Legal basis of management of the social sphere in Ukraine: methodical instructions for practical classes / editor: L. V. Perevalova, I. V. Lysenko,
H. M. Garyaeva. – Kharkiv: NTU “KhPI”, 2024. – 84 p. URI: - Kuzmenko O. V. Fundamentals of the doctrine of criminal offense: teaching. manual, 2nd ed., add. and processing. / O. V. Kuzmenko; National technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”. – Kharkiv: Yurayt, 2024. – 248 p.
- Methodical instructions for practical classes from the educational course “Legal regulation of business activity” / compiled by: L. V. Perevalova, V. G. Vergun, H. M. Garyaeva, I. V. Lysenko, O. V. Kuzmenko, M.M. Tkachev – Kharkiv: NTU “KhPI”, 2024. – 72 p.