
Presentation of scientific activities of the Department of Law

Presentation of scientific activity of the department of law, part 1

Presentation of the department of law, part 2

The scientific activity of the department is aimed at conducting scientific research, the participation of the department’s teachers in scientific conferences and seminars, the training of highly qualified scientists, and the involvement of university students in scientific research activities.

Complex research topic of the department: “Legal support for the formation of civil society in Ukraine.”

The following problems are being developed:

  • implementation of constitutional rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen;
  • constitutional and legal reform of power in Ukraine;
  • legal protection of intellectual property;
  • legal regulation of foreign economic activity in Ukraine;
  • legal regulation of residential relations in Ukraine;
  • legal support of management activities in Ukraine;
  • problems of regulation of labor relations, etc.

The teachers of the department carry out research work in the following areas:

  • Volodymyr Hryhorovych Vergun – Development of mathematics and mechanics in the 19th century. in the period 1885-1930;
  • Oleksandra Valentynivna Gaevaya – Theoretical and methodological foundations of public social policy regarding elderly citizens in Ukraine;
  • Haryaeva Hanna Mykhailivna – Problems of forming the legal culture of student youth;
  • Oleksandr Vasyliovych Kuzmenko – Legal education of youth;
  • Lysenko Iryna Vyacheslavivna – Limitation of the right to private ownership of housing;
  • Lyudmila Viktorivna Perevalova – Problems of the relationship between the individual and the state;
  • Semko Mykhailo Oleksandrovych – Logical and methodological grounds for solving the problem of evidence in modern criminal law;
  • Maksym Mykhailovych Tkachev – Assessment of losses of rights holders from counterfeiting activities on the auto parts market.

The department was also involved in the development of two initiative scientific topics:

1) Study of mechanisms of social and legal protection of student youth in Ukraine.

Research supervisor – candidate of legal sciences, associate professor Oleksandra Valentynivna Gaevaya.

Responsible executors: Lyudmila Viktorivna Perevalova, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor; Oleksandr Vasylovich Kuzmenko, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor; Haryaeva Hanna Mykhailivna, associate professor.

Implementation period – 02.2019 – 02.2022.

The category of work is fundamental.

Scientific section and priority scientific direction – Law; Fundamental research on current problems of social sciences and humanities.

2) Legal protection of information in the conditions of formation of information society.

Research supervisor – candidate of legal sciences, associate professor Iryna Vyacheslavivna Lysenko.

Responsible executors: Maksym Mykhailovych Tkachev, candidate of economic sciences, associate professor; Volodymyr Hryhorovych Vergun, senior teacher; Siemko Mykhailo Oleksandrovych, senior teacher.

Implementation period – February 2019 – February 2021.

The category of work is applied.

Scientific section and priority scientific direction – Law; Technologies and means of information protection.

The work on the topics “Legal protection of information in the conditions of the formation of an information society” and “Research of the mechanisms of social and legal protection of student youth in Ukraine” has been completed, all reports (annotated, abstract, etc.) have been submitted.

During the existence of the department, its teachers defended 8 candidate theses:

  • Olga Evgenivna Avramova defended her PhD thesis in 2008. The topic of the scientific study “Deprivation of the subjective right to housing.”
  • Nesterenko Polina Vitalyivna defended her PhD thesis in 2008. Topic of scientific research “Higher educational institutions as subjects of property legal relations”.
  • Iryna Vyacheslavivna Lysenko defended her PhD thesis in 2008. The topic of scientific research “Restriction of the right to private ownership of housing”
  • Nataliya Georgievna Vasylievna defended her PhD thesis in 2009. The topic of the scientific study “The right to the integrity of the individual in the law of the European Union”
  • Iryna Stanislavivna Yakovets defended her PhD thesis in 2006. The topic of the scientific study “Primary classification of those sentenced to deprivation of liberty and their distribution in the UVP”
  • Oleksandra Valentinivna Gaevaya defended her PhD thesis in 2014. The topic of scientific research “State regulation of labor remuneration”
  • Maksym Mykhailovych Tkachev defended his PhD thesis in 2016. The topic of the scientific study “Evaluation of losses of rights holders from counterfeiting activities on the auto parts market”
  • Yulia Yuriivna Molchanova defended her candidate’s thesis in 2020 with the specialty “Constitutional Law; municipal law”.

The teachers of the law department received 14 certificates of copyright registration for the work.

Teachers of the department actively participate in international and all-Ukrainian scientific and practical conferences.

In May of each year, the university holds the International scientific and practical conference “Information technologies: science, technology, technology, education, health”, the teachers of the department both independently and together with their students take an active part in the work of the section “Actual problems of formation information society in Ukraine”. In November, the international scientific and practical conference “Spiritual and moral foundations and responsibility of the individual in the fate of human civilization” is traditionally held, within which the section “Mechanisms of legal responsibility as factors of ensuring the viability of civil society” operates. During 2020-2021, the teachers of the department took an active part in the work of international scientific and practical conferences: “Philosophy in the modern world” International science and practice conference, Kharkiv, November 20–21, 2020. Kharkiv: KhPI National Technical University, 2020; ” Spiritual and moral foundations and responsibility of the individual in the fate of human civilization” International. science and practice conference, Kharkiv, November 12–13, 2020. Kharkiv: KhPI National Technical University; The 8 International scientific and practical conference “Dynamics of the development of world science” (April 15-17, 2020) Perfect Publishing, Vancouver, Canada. 2020; “The human problem in social, humanitarian and medical discourses” Scientific and theoretical conference with international participation (Kharkiv, May 28-29, 2020) – Kharkiv: Kharkiv National Medical University; 10th scientific and practical conference “Legal guarantees of ensuring the rights of citizens to work and social protection” 09.10.2020, Kharkiv, National Law University named after I. Wise; science and practice conf., dedicate. in memory of the Vice-President of the Criminological Association of Ukraine, Professor O.M. Litvak (Kharkiv, April 23, 2020); “Scientific school of Academician I.A. Zyazyun in the writings of his associates and students” Scientific and practical conference of UI May 28-29, 2020; “Synergistic concept of the development of student-centered learning – ensuring the quality of higher education” Second International. science and method conference, September 25, 2020 KhDUHT, 2020; ” Problems of Emergency Situations” International science and practice conference, Kharkiv, May 20, 2020. Kharkiv: NUTZU, 2020 ; ” Modern problems of legal, economic and social development of the state”Ikhmizhnar. science and practice conference, Kharkiv, November 27, 2020. Kharkiv: KhNUVS, 2020; “Spiritual culture of Ukraine through the challenges of time (to the 30th anniversary of the department of cultural studies of the National Law University named after Yaroslav the Wise)” All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference. (Kharkov, April 16, 2020) – Kharkiv 2020; “Theory and practice of management” International. science and practice conf. (May 13, 2020) Lutsk, 2020; International scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the founding of the department of marketing and commercial activity of the KhDUHT October 8–10, 2020. Kharkiv KhDUHT 2020; International Scientific and Practical Conference “Contradictions of the Interaction of Morality and Law in Modern Society”, May 22, 2020, NYU named after Yaroslav the Wise, where they presented their reports.

For many years, teachers of the Faculty of Social and Humanitarian Technologies were co-organizers of the interuniversity scientific and practical seminar “Philosophy in the Modern World”, which was transformed into the All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference. The lecturers of the department report the results of their research at the section of this conference “Philosophical problems of law and the state”.

Within the Days of Science, the department regularly holds a round table “Actual problems of reforming Ukrainian legislation”, in which not only the teachers of the department, but also well-known experts in the field of law took part: doctor of legal sciences, professor, head of the department of international law of the National Law University named after Ya. Mudrogo I.V. Yakovyuk, doctor of legal sciences, chief researcher of the Scientific Research Institute for the Study of Crime Problems named after Academician V.V. Stashisa Yakovets I.S., candidate of legal sciences, associate professor of the department of criminal law and criminology of the Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs K.E. Shevelev, candidate of legal sciences, associate professor of the department of civil law and civil procedure of the Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs Avramova O.E. Head of the Department of Judicial Work and International Cooperation of the Main Territorial Department of Justice in the Kharkiv Region Kolotilova N.V., Head of the Sector for Prevention and Detection of Corruption of the Main Territorial Department of Justice in the Kharkiv Region Fedorenko A.V. and other.

At scientific and theoretical seminars, teachers report on the results of their scientific research.