Our Graduates

Students are the most valuable people on Earth, because they still don’t understand much, they crave knowledge, and those who are truly interested in life become interesting themselves. The department starts working with future students in schools and technical colleges. And starting from the first year, the teachers of the department work with almost every student. Meetings of teachers with the first and second year in the literary living room, classrooms, laboratories, acquaintance with the future profession are traditional.

Among the department’s graduates are outstanding scientists, heads of industries and institutions, who have received state awards and prizes. Among the graduates of our department are Hero of Socialist Labor, Heroes of Ukraine, laureate of the state prize in the field of science and technology, V.M. Lukyanenko; V. A. Mikheev, laureate of the award; laureates of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology Tkach G.A., Frumin V.M.; laureate of the state prize in the field of science and technology of Ukraine, prof., academician, rector of NTU “KhPI” L.L. Tovazhnyanskyi.

In addition to the above-mentioned persons, among the graduates of the department there are talented engineers and managers of enterprises. Thus, over the years of its formation, the department turned into a single educational-scientific-production complex, and deservedly occupies a leading place among university departments and related departments.

Separately, we can mention our foreign graduates.

From African countries, graduates of the specialty 101 “Ecology” and 133 “Industrial Mechanical Engineering” are: Nzioka A. Mutua (Kenya), Ouyam Kercourt (Morocco), Kamara Fanta (Mali), Mulunda Makaya Robillier Molin (Congo), from Asia it is Zhania Sulaimanova (Kazakhstan) , Olga Mamedova (Turkmenistan), Hui Hao and Wang Junxiao (China) and many others. And this is only a small number of students who excelled in their studies. It is even difficult to list all foreign students who graduated from our department, and a separate article will be needed for this. Even today, in the difficult times of distance learning, students from China are studying at our department, studying subjects hard, and teachers are trying to provide them with more useful information that will be used after receiving a diploma.