
The department of KhTPE pays great attention to the integration of training of specialists with science and production. For this purpose, 4 centers of cooperation with scientific institutions and enterprises of other departments were created: national natural park “Homilshan Forests”; DU “State Research and Design Institute of Basic Chemistry”, industrial group “Ekoton”, STC “Ekomash”; the heads of the last two organizations are graduates of our department. In these centers, students of all levels of education undergo all kinds of practices, conduct scientific research, the results of which are used in the completion of diploma theses, preparation of dissertations for doctors of philosophy; graduates are successfully employed

In recent years, scientific work at the department has been carried out within the framework of grants and contract topics in several areas. Some of them:

  • from the direction of ecology

– various means of using coffee grounds waste are being investigated, including as an additive to polymer composites, which reduces the cost of finished products by 60-70%;

– studies have been conducted and the technology of using clay drilling mud (20‒80%) in a composition with low-melting loam for obtaining frost-resistant ceramic materials has been developed;

– the problem of waste disposal of solar photovoltaic panels is investigated, directions and solutions are proposed.

  • from the direction of new equipment and processes of chemical production, a new design of a combined contact device for column apparatus was developed, recommendations were provided for the introduction of the new design into industrial practice.
  • from the direction of biotechnology, research is being carried out on wastewater treatment processes using vermicomposting and vermifiltration methods.

All research is carried out with the participation of students and postgraduates.

The scientific potential of the department consists of three doctors of science. and 18 candidates of sciences, four of whom are professors. This ensures a high professional level of training of highly qualified specialists, successful defense of candidate theses. Currently, 20 graduate students study at the department. Over the past 3 years, six PhD theses have been defended, three more are being prepared for defense.

The department maintains close scientific ties with academic and industry research organizations, such as the Institute of Mechanical Engineering Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, NDIOHYM, the Institute of Single Crystals of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in the form of publications, participation in conferences and seminars. Every year, the department’s teachers, graduate students and students publish about 30 articles in professional publications, such as Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Voprosy Khimii i khimicheskoi Teknologii, Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. and also submit about 40 reports at international conferences, including the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Chemical Technology: Science, Economy and Production”; International Scientific Conference “Chemical Technology and Engineering”; Uniting Europe for Clean Water; Materials Science Forum, International Scientific Applied Conference “Problems of Emergency Situations”; MicroCAD. Over the past three years, about 40 articles by employees have been published in journals indexed by the scientific metric database Scopus.

The KhTPE department provides conditions for conducting the educational process at a high level, which contributes to the training of qualified specialists.

Many graduates of the department have become leading specialists in the field of ecology and equipment for food and chemical industries. Among them: Dmytro Lyashenko, founder and head of the company “DLight” for the production of specialized equipment for wood processing enterprises; Nadiya Rykusova, head of the environmental management group for industrial safety of NEC “Ukrenergo”;Hanna Yakymenko, head of the environmental division of the National Energy Company “Ukrenergo”, Mykola Porochnia, a consultant for a British company Ernst & Yong and many others.

The department pays great attention to the establishment and development of international relations. Foreign citizens are being trained, citizens of Turkmenistan and China are being trained. During the department’s existence, specialists for Cuba, Bulgaria, Poland, Hungary, Vietnam, as well as highly qualified specialists, candidates of technical sciences, were trained.

Students and graduate students of the department take an active part in international scientific projects.

In 2022, student Yuliya Gadaeva (supervisor, Associate Professor T.S. Tikhomirova) won a grant and took part in the summer university “Alternative economic and monetary systems” (Vienna, Austria).

In 2023, graduate student Alyona Bosiuk (supervisor: Associate Professor O.V. Shestopalov) received a grant for participation in a powerful scientific project «European Astronomical Society (EAS) Annual Meeting 2023» (Pilsen, Czech Republic) where she gave a speech.

The main scientific areas of activity of the department for the following years:

  • Development of new technologies for reclamation of landfills, processing of industrial and household waste
  • Developments related to the improvement of processes of chemical technology and processing industries, improvement of devices and reactors
  • Developments related to process management with the aim of increasing the resource of the equipment, increasing its productivity, reducing the negative impact of production on the environment.

Conducting research works is reliably ensured by the modern experimental base of the department, including in the department’s branches. Currently, the existing laboratory base will be improved at the department and its branches, and a new one will be created. This allows for qualified training in the operation of equipment, its improvement, and study of technological reliability. Specialists of the department are engaged in the development and implementation of highly efficient devices and technological lines in the chemical and food industries, as well as in the field of environmental protection technology.

The department of KhTPE offers cooperation to colleagues from educational institutions, scientific organizations and companies in the following areas:

  • studying the experience of teaching profiling disciplines;
  • exchange of teachers and graduate students for the purpose of internship, conducting scientific research;
  • student exchange for the purpose of studying individual disciplines, internships at enterprises, familiarization with the country, language practice.


Understanding this simple truth, you are on the path of implementing modern technologies, taking into account:

  • peculiarities of your production;
  • possible further modernization of production;
  • Your economic situation

Using modern technologies, we will help you find effective solutions in the field of chemical engineering and industrial ecology, save money and time by using the optimal combination of equipment. We will help you in the maintenance of the installed equipment, in matters of functioning and choosing the optimal modes of its operation.

For questions related to scientific research developments of the KhTPE department, contact the following address:

61002, Kharkiv, str. Kirpychova, 2, Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute National Technical University, Department of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Ecology

(380-57) 707-68-57, (380-57) 707-66-81, (380-57) 707-61-55.


Oleksiy SHESTOPALOV, head of the department of KhTPE