
Grant Title: Best Educational Practices for Hearing Impaired Learners

Implementation period: September 2020-June 2021

Financial support – Press, Education and Culture Section of the US Embassy in Ukraine, the costs covered open workshops and the publication of a training manual. The amount is 45000 UAH.

The executor from the department: Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Tikhomirova T.S., students of the department as volunteers.

The aim of the project was to develop and implement a series of practical lessons in natural sciences for pupils and students with hearing impairments who study in specialised schools or in inclusive classes.

The grant implementation consisted of three stages:

1 – testing of the developed practical classes by each of the project participants in their city.

The department tested the developed lessons on measuring the nitrate content in food and making notebooks using the upcycling technique for students of Kharkiv Specialised School No. 5 (former regional boarding school for the deaf).

More details can be found at the link:

After the grant was completed, as part of its post-financial life, a masterclass on making upcycled Christmas tree decorations for schoolchildren with hearing impairments was also held. More details are available at

2 – Fair of practices (Lviv, May 2021)

On 24-25 May 2021, a fair of practices was held in Lviv, where the practical work of integrated disciplines (ecology, biology, chemistry) “Measurement of nitrates in food” for children with hearing impairments and a master class on making bouquets from old buttons were presented. For more details, follow the link:

3 – publication of a training manual

Based on the results of the grant5 project, a textbook was published and posted in the NTU KhPI STL repository. Tikhomirova T. is the author of three chapters.

Inclusive education with hearing impairment: practices of teaching natural sciences [Electronic resource] : a textbook / I. Berezovska, K. Minakova ; NTU “KhPI.” – Lviv: Prostir-M, 2021. 184 p. – ISBN 978-617-7746-84-1 : B. c.

Details about the manual and the grant project are also available at the link:

The textbook also received a gold award in the nomination “STEM areas as a means of improving the quality of inclusive education” at the XIII International Exhibition “Innovation in Modern Education” (Kyiv, 20-22 October 2021)

For more details, please follow the link

Grant: Inclusion in Cooperation

Financial support is provided by the British Council in Ukraine. The total amount of funds raised is 15 thousand UAH.

Tikhomirova Tetiana – project manager

Postgraduate students – active participants

Implementation period – autumn 2018

The aim of the project is to create flower beds on the territory of boarding schools, where people with mental and musculoskeletal disorders live all their lives, by joint work of students, teachers, postgraduate students, volunteers and boarding school students to give the territories of institutions a neat, modern look, as well as to create zones of psycho-emotional comfort for boarding school residents.

The reports have been posted:

MES website –

The Polytechnic newspaper –

Facebook –