International activity

International cooperation is an integral part of the Institute’s activities, an important tool for ensuring the quality of education and its compliance with international standards.

The Institute of Education and Science in Engineering and Physics has extensive international contacts with leading foreign educational institutions, research institutions, international organizations, foundations that allow teachers and postgraduates to carry out scientific activities and undergo their internship abroad. Thanks to the joint work, the best students of the institute have the opportunity to study, get a scholarship and practise in higher educational institutions of near and far abroad countries.

The direction of the institute does not stop and continues to make efforts to find new foreign partners, to establish and develop international cooperation in scientific, educational and other spheres.

International partners

The famous Polish mathematician became the Honorary Doctor of the National Technical University Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute

On March, 29  the Scientific Council of the University held a solemn ceremony of awarding the diploma and mantle of the Honorary Doctor of the National Technical University Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute to the professor of the Polish Technical University in Lodz, corresponding member of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Jan Avraisevich. The scientist was awarded the diploma and mantle, confirming the high rank, by the rector of the NTU “KhPI” Yevhen Sokol and the Honorary rector of the University Leonid Tovazhnyansky.

During the visit of the Polish delegation to the KHPI, talks were held with the KhPI administration  in order  to discuss further cooperation between the higher education institutions and a  lecture from Jan Avraitsevich was held for students of Politekh (NTU “KhPI”).

The winner of the Leonard Euler scholarship competition

Vadim Kosmin, student of the 5th year of the group 2.І206.8 is a winner of the Leonard Euler scholarship competition   funded by the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD for Ukrainian students. Since April 3, 2019, his month-long internship started at the Department of Technical Mechanics at Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg as a part of the scholarship program. Vadim plans to continue research on the topic of master’s thesis related to the development of a software tool written in PYTHON language, designed to simulate the processes of deformation of thin-walled structural elements.

Education under the EU Erasmus + program at the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt

Two students of the 3rd year of the Institute of Education and Science in Engineering and Science of NTU “KhPI” returned from Germany, where they had studied under the EU Erasmus + program at the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt (FHWS). Alisa Harina and Vadim Hikhlo successfully passed interviews and passed English tests and were recommended by the German Educational Center of Politekh to participate in the project of cooperation between FHWS and KhPI.

Magdeburg – Kharkiv

The students of the 6th year of the Department of Dynamics and Strength of Machines returned from Otto von Guericke University of Magdeburg (Germany), where they successfully completed their student exchange program.

International conference on nonlinear dynamics NODYCON 2019, Italy

The first international conference on nonlinear dynamics NODYCON 2019 took place on February 17-20, 2019 at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”. This large-scale forum was attended by leading scientists from many countries of the world, who followed a rigorous preliminary selection. The staff of the Department of Applied Mathematics of the Institute of Education and Science in Engineering and Physics represented Ukraine at the conference.

The organizers of the conference, led by Prof. Walter Lacarbonara, coped brilliantly with their task. On the forum, our staff members made several reports that were approved by the conference participants. Professor Yu.  Michlin was a member of the international scientific committee and co-chairman at two scientific meetings. During the conference, the employees of NTU “KhPI” participated in scientific discussions and discussed scientific problems with professors H. Balthasar (Brazil), Y. Warminsko and Y. Avreitsevich (Poland), V. Lacarbonara, J. Reg and F. Pellicano (Italy), V. Pylypchuk and S. Shaw (USA).

SCOSTEP Visiting Scholar program

In October-November 2018, the assistant of the Department of Radio Electronics Aksonova Katerina received a scholarship to study under the SCOSTEP (Scientific Committee on Solar Terrestrial Physics) Visiting Scholar program. The program is aimed at preparing young scientists and graduate students in well-known laboratories and institutions of solar-terrestrial physics for a period of 1-3 months. This program helps young scientists to climb the career ladder, using the techniques and skills they received during the training. An application with a detailed plan of mutually beneficial cooperation was prepared on the basis of laboratory of the Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research (ISEE), Nagoya, Japan. The result was the fruitful work, based on consultations with world-class scientists, as well as the acquisition of new connections for further research.

Scientific and pedagogical internship in Germany

On November 6-19, Professor Dmytro Breslavskyi, head of the Department of Computer Modeling of Processes and Systems, undertook a two-week internship. On December 12-22, the assistant professor of the Department of Computer Modelling of Processes and Systems O. Tatarinova and the associate professor of the Department of Theoretical Mechanics G.  Anishchenko  undertook an internship too. The visit to Otto von Gericek University of Magdeburg at the Department of Technical Mechanics took place within the framework of an agreement on long-term scientific cooperation between the departments. In cooperation with German colleagues, the work on organizing a research project on the latest direction of mathematical and computer simulation of destruction processes in responsible constructive elements of modern machines and aircraft has begun. During the visit, Professor Breslavsky and the head of the department, Director of the Institute of Mechanics professor Holm Altenbach discussed the ways of further cooperation between the teams and the possibility of implementing new joint projects.

China is getting closer

On October 23-25, 2018 an international conference within the framework of the “One Belt – One Road” Initiative was held in the People’s Republic of China. The event brought together leading experts in science and education in Ukraine and China, as well as more than 40 Chinese companies interested in cooperation with Ukraine in the field of innovations. The Ukrainian delegation included representatives of our University: Oleksandr Goncharov, Head of the Department of International Affairs, and Professor Oleksiy Larin, Deputy Director of the Institute of Education and Science in Engineering and Physics. The main objective of the meeting was to expand the exchange of scientists, establish bilateral scientific-technical and practical cooperation.

Internship in Canada under the Mitacs Globalink Research Internship program

From 2018 Ukrainian students have the opportunity to practice in the Canadian universities under the Mitacs Globalink Research Internship Program.

The program has been in existence for 7 years. About 700 students from nine partner countries arrive every summer for three months. In 2018 Ukraine joined the program. Selected participants take part in a research internship led by Canadian university teachers from a variety of scientific disciplines: from  engineering, technical and mathematical to humanities and social sciences. Students choose from three to seven applied research projects interesting to them and they would like to work on. And this is one of the differences between the Canadian program and Fulbright in the USA or Erasmus + in the European Union.

Last year, 50 best students from all over Ukraine were selected for this program. The 4th year student of the Institute of Education and Science in Engineering and Physics Tatiana Doludf from the group I-45 (MT) of the Department of Geometric Modeling and Computer Graphics was on the list of the best students. The young girl spent the summer of 2018 in Canada for Mitacs Globalink Research Internship and worked in the SMACLab lab, in OCAD University of Toronto under the patronage of a Canadian professor. The project was devoted to virtual reality.

Leonard Euler Scholarship and internship in Germany

The Leonhard-Euler-Scholar Program scholarship of Academic Exchange Service DAAD is awarded to graduate and postgraduate students who study engineering and natural sciences and have substantial achievements in study and research. Otto von Geriche University of Magdeburg has been cooperating with various departments of NTU “KhPI” for many years and accepting our students, postgraduates and lecturers. Thanks to joint work, over the past 15 years, more than 50 students of the Institute of Education and Science in Engineering and Physics received the Leonardo Euler scholarship and had a month-long internship in Germany.

Last April, the students of the Department of Dynamics and Strength of Machines Sukhanova Olga and Malyshev Sergiy took the opportunity to receive the  Leonardo Euler scholarship. Under the program the participants studied in the partner university in Germany for a month. The purpose of their stay was to get acquainted with the latest literature, to conduct the necessary experiments, to attend introductory lectures. The result is discussion of the results before completing the final scientific work at home. In addition to scientific events, students managed to relax, visit a number of cultural events and attractions of many cities in Germany.