“Welcome Ukrainian Artists: Pan-European Support for Ukrainian Artists via Exhibitions, Creations and Start-ups”.


The objectives of this proposal are:

a) Support Ukrainian Artists through Exhibitions: To enable Ukrainian artists and cultural organisations to display, exhibit and showcase their cultural creations at various high-profile indoor and outdoor venues across Europe (including exhibition galleries, cultural centres, operas, theatres, museums, halls, municipal buildings, provincial parks, town squares, gardens and commune open spaces), in order to enable them to reach out to their national, union-wide and international audiences, retain their existing markets, and overcome current economic hardships due to the invasion in the short term (6 months -1 year);

b) Create New Works of Ukrainian-European Art: To support Ukrainian artists and cultural organisations in the creation of new art works and novel cultural creations, either individually or via the formation of both All-Ukrainian collaborations and Ukrainian-European joint ventures, while simultaneously exploiting the most recent advances in the fields of Digital Culture, Internet Technology and Social Media, so as to enable Ukrainian artists to expand their reach to new markets and simultaneously foster Pan-European cultural revival in the medium term (1-2 years);

c) Establish Creative and Cultural Startups: To turn short-term adversity into long-term opportunity by establishing innovative cultural collectives, creative start-ups and digital culture ventures which would evolve into self-funding sustainable organizations in the medium term (1-2 years), and serve as permanent institutional support bases working for the re-unification of Ukrainian and European Arts and for the re-integration of Ukraine into European Civilization in the long run (2 years+).


  • Municipality of Milan, Nat Association of Italian Communes of Piemonte, Egyptian Museum (Italy);
  • Life Learning and Development, City of Düsseldorf (Germany);
  • Municipality of Utrecht (Netherlands);
  • Opera Europa, Association of European Conservatories of Music (Belgium);
  • University of Ljubljana, Municipality of Ljubljana (Slovenia);
  • Gdansk Shakespeare Theatre, Municipality of Wroclaw, Formac Spolka (Poland);
  • Arts Association for Promotion of Culture and Art (Croatia);
  • Music Allegro (Serbia).