History of the department

History of the department

The Cross-Cultural Communication and Foreign Languages Department was established in 2004. In 2009 it became part of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Economics, Management and International Business as a general department for teaching students foreign languages. The staff of the department successfully prepares students to participate in competitions, contests and scientific conferences.

In the period from 2004 to 2022, the department defended 7 candidate theses for obtaining the scientific degree of candidate of philological and sociological sciences, and also published 2 collective monographs, 7 educational and methodological manuals, 60 scientific articles in specialized Ukrainian and foreign publishing houses.

The complex scientific topic of the department is the topic “Modern social communications”. Within the framework of this topic, scientific research is carried out in the following directions:

  • scientific, professional and intercultural communication;
  • modern methods of teaching a professionally oriented foreign language;
  • peculiarities of teaching communicative cycle disciplines;
  • Distance Learning;
  • Internet communications.

The department pays special attention to the study of problems of electronic professional communication (in particular, on the Internet), as well as features of distance and mixed learning through social media.

International cooperation

The department created a network of international partnerships, which involved more than 20 foreign universities, organizations and professional foundations, mainly in the framework of joint development and implementation of international projects under the schemes of the TEMPUS, ERASMUS MUNDUS, ERASMUS+, HORIZON programs. Building and maintaining a network is painstaking work that takes time and cannot happen immediately. To form stable and effective relationships, it is necessary to earn trust, and it appears with direct contact in joint activities. As a result, the international reputation of the project team is formed. The department is an effective and efficient leader of this strategy, which gives hope that the team carrying out international activities meets the challenges of modern education at the international level and is able to successfully develop and manage an international project.