“Save Ukrainian Heritage: Education for Ukrainian Heritage Professionals and Capacity Building for Post-War Cultural Recovery”


The objectives of this proposal are:

a) Protection Education: To train and educate Ukrainian cultural heritage professionals with regard to the preservation and protection of all forms of Ukrainian cultural heritage (including tangible and intangible, moveable and immoveable) from various types of risk (including projectile impact risk, explosion shockwave risk, surface erosion risk, looting risk and diminution of practitioner circles risk) using the latest digital technology (including 3D modelling, VR or virtual reality, AR or augmented reality, 3D scanning and photogrammetry using drones, cameras and smartphones for permanent digital storage and possible future reconstructions), and thereby help minimize different categories of damage (including war damage, natural damage and man-made damage);

b) Recovery Preparation: To prepare the post-war recovery of the Ukrainian cultural sectors through comprehensive capacity building, sustainable investment planning and total needs assessment for all categories of cultural heritage (including monuments, museums, galleries, operas, theatres, creative-cultural clusters etc.), in order to provide the deep civilizational foundation base for a revived Ukrainian nation, fortify the resilience of East European culture and accelerate the move towards a resurgent “New Europe”.


  • Municipality of Milan, Nat Association of Italian Communes of Piemonte, Egyptian Museum (Italy);
  • Life Learning and Development, City of Düsseldorf (Germany);
  • Municipality of Utrecht (Netherlands);
  • Opera Europa, Association of European Conservatories of Music (Belgium);
  • University of Ljubljana, Academy of Fine Arts and Design (Slovenia);
  • Gdansk Shakespeare Theatre, Formac Spolka (Poland);
  • 7 Arts Association for Promotion of Culture and Art (Croatia);
  • Music Allegro (Serbia);
  • Executive Strategy Council (India).