
Project within bilateral cooperation agreement with Ljubljana University.

Areas of mass residence were subjected to cruel bombardments due to the purpose of military terror to terrify as many people as possible.

Kharkiv housing district “Severnaya Saltovka” known in a peaceful past for its livability and greenery has become a symbol of human life destruction. Thousands of people have lost not only their shelter and property. Material links with their past as life value was destroyed. Signs of cherished childhood, youth, friends, love, children birth, growing up, everything that filled life with sense, joys and sorrows disappeared under bombs in an instant.

That is why the renovation of UA districts is more than just upgrading – it is a return to life after deep trauma, a hope for a new life that can prove that victims were not in vain, an opportunity not to lose, but even gain new identity. Is it possible? We think positive, if recovery is combined synergistically with development.

NEB initiative can set coordinates for UA cities postwar recovery energizing this process with new sense. Creating sustainable, enriching and inclusive environment in EU countries we can open the light at the end of the Ukrainian tunnel. Concrete projects and innovative ideas highlighted in the context of “postwar/disaster recovery” can make contribution to the bank for the revival of affordable housing districts both in EU and postwar UA. Thus, we can give a helping hand to UA cities in general and Kharkiv in particular now when war is still going on.

PARTNER: University of Ljubljana (Slovenia).