
“Digital University – Open Ukrainian Initiative”.

Erasmus + ERASMUS-EDU-2023-CBHE SP: № 101129236–DigiUni.

DigiUni is a unique project by the CBHE 3rd strand in frame of special call for Ukraine.

DigiUni is initiated to influence the chaotic processes of digital transformation in education by creating an inclusive digital educational ecosystem in Ukraine to ensure continuous, high-quality, inclusive, and transparent education, regardless of the student’s location.

The DigiUni project aims to develop an open digital educational environment for Ukrainian universities. This initiative is a response to the challenges posed by the aggression of the Russian Federation and the subsequent damage caused to the higher education system of Ukraine.

The project emphasizes the importance of digitalization for the continuity and success of educational institutions in Ukraine. It aims to use the experience of European universities in developing integrated digital solutions and promote cooperation between Ukrainian and European partners.

The project consortium consists of 22 participants – representatives of well-known Ukrainian and European universities, professional associations, ministries and agencies.

The project’s objective is to create a highly effective digital educational ecosystem that ensures continuous, high-quality, inclusive and transparent education throughout Ukraine, regardless of location.

The DigiUni core consists of two parts:

  • the development and launch of an all-Ukrainian open digital educational environment – DigiPlatform
  • and the development of DigiUni as a pilot organizational mechanism for uniting higher education institutions to achieve a common goal.

In addition to DigiPlatform, DigiCentres are being created on the basis of each Ukrainian partner university, inter-institutional mechanisms and special digital courses for creating digital content for the platform are being developed, an approach that will ensure the digitalization of teaching and learning methods and the necessary infrastructure for online and inclusive learning.

The project team of the department has been tasked with the development of two digital courses for masters (English for Research purposes, English for Professional purposes) on the new DigiPlatform platform, which include the use of virtual or augmented reality. This newly created DigiPlatform will unite all universities of the consortium into a single educational network and will provide the opportunity to use digital courses, separate educational modules, microlearning modules and localized courses of EU partners.


  • Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg, University of Cologne, Leibniz University Hannover (Germany),
  • University of Strasbourg, Association of Exchange & Consulting in International Technologies (France),
  • University of Alicante (Spain),
  • Adam Mickiewicz Poznan University (Poland).