Foreign language entrance exam (for postgraduate students) 2022

Consultation: 07.09.2022, 11:00
Exam: 08.09.2022, 11:00
09.09.2022, 11:00
10.09.2022, 11:00

Foreign language entrance exams for postgraduate studies are held in accordance with the following requirements:

  1. Lexical and grammatical test (60 minutes);
  2. An interview in a foreign language related to the entrant’s biography, her/his scientific interests and plans, as well as current social and political events in Ukraine and abroad.

Lexical and grammatical test:

  1. Duration: 60 minutes
  2. Number of questions: 80
  3. Type of questions: multiple choice
  4. Grammatical topics
  5. An example of grammar test tasks for the entrance examination of graduate students

Interview topics:

  1. Talk about Great Britain and its social and cultural relationships with Ukraine.
  2. Talk about your university and chances for international academic cooperation it provides.
  3. Talk about your biography and things that influenced your decision to become a researcher.
  4. Talk about your home, as well as advantages and disadvantages of living in a big city.
  5. Talk about your working day and the way you use the English language in your everyday life.
  6. Talk about scientific research at your department.
  7. Talk about your native town and current social and economic problems it experiences nowadays.
  8. Talk about the United Kingdom and its social and political influence in the world.
  9. Talk about your field of research and its practical application.
  10. Talk about yourself and features of your character that help you become a good specialist in your field.
  11. Talk about your working day and career prospects for young people in your field of knowledge.
  12. Talk about your hobbies and interests, as well as typical leisure activities popular in Ukraine.
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