“Human Resources Management”.
CD JEP-24150-2009.
HUREMA project aimed at developing Human Resources Development curriculum, training resources & infrastructure produced outcomes that can be used by DECTIOS project:
1) balanced team criteria;
2) strategies for HR development based on system approach to developing motivation, social support network, abilities for making decision, problem solving, conflict resolution;
3) methodology of distance learning;
4) templates of e-textbooks for distance learning including: introduction, strategic aims, glossary, list of proposed & used literature, chapter introduction & summery; questions to self-control; keys;
5) methodology of virtual seminars;
6) system evaluation of project by students, trainers, experts;
7) program of constructing training materials, sessions & students profiles.
Respecting copyright the reference to EU projects & programs is made in case of official use. Outcomes disseminated in Ukraine are open for education purposes use.
- Hagen Fern-University (Germany),
- Vienna University, J. Kepler University, Linz (Austria).