URBANOVA “Urban Space Innovative Transformation for Sustainable Mobility”.
HORIZON-MISS-2024-CIT-01-01 (Innovation Actions) 101238825.
URBANOVA is multi-agent/scale/disciplinary project based on scientifically sound Eco-Humanistic concept embodied in technology of human-environment synergetic interaction causing co-development.
Original content-structure model is built around eco-anthropic interaction as a system forming entity from which all phenomena are derived, which allows to manage-scale-multiplicate the efficient innovative synergetic solutions.
URBANOVA promotes urban mobility system transformation within coordinates of ecological-economical-societal sustainability, wellbeing and high developmental capacity. Based on original technology of multi-actor/sector/disciplinary co-creation URBANOVA develops innovative traffic-space-people solutions in their synergy aimed at smart reduction-optimization-improvement of mobility system; smart multimodal green-public-technological transformation of urban-peri-urban-roadside space, freed from cars; development of residents’ eco-awareness, eco-consciousness, eco-behaviour and eco-habits via self-identification with the decisions made and responsibility for their implementation.
URBANOVA provides smart integration of pan-European and diverse local expertise at all stages of project work by synergetic interaction of experts-practitioners-IT teams.
URBANOVA is piloted using smart simulator as a polygon for testing urban mobility system transformation in an operational environment of Centre-North-South Europe sites organized in lead-follower pairs considering diverse ecosystems-cultures-needs-aims-means-services with involvement of local stakeholders to developing synergetic solutions. System prototype demonstration, dissemination and multiplication is performed as URBANOVA Lighthouse including:
- self-developing interactive OmniBase,
- Smart Toolkit,
- Album of Prototypes and Simulator for urban mobility system and space multimodal transformation;
- Smart Atlas of 6 sites interactive maps,
- Film for demo to wider audience and
- E-guide for experts.
- Loughborough University, Eyebb Systems Limited, Hypogen (United Kingdom);
- Echanges et Consultations Techniques International, Ecole Nationale Superieure Architecture de Montpelier (France);
- Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (Spain);
- Joksu, Vantaan Kaupunki, Nomaji landscape architects (Finland);
- České Vysoké Učeni Technické v Praze (Czech Republic),
- Univerza v Ljubljani, Strip Lab d.o.o., Institute for Studies of Housing and Space, Univerza v Mariboru (Slovenia);
- Urbanex Doo za Gradevinarstvo (Croatia);
- Vilniaus Universitetas, Lithuanian Computer Society (Lithuania);
- Tessosoft OÜ, Jetbeep OÜ (Estonia);
- Ari Teknokent Proje Gelistirme Planlama Anonim S, Smarte Teknoloji Ve Enerji San Tic As, IPA Strategic Consultancy Joint Stock Organization (Turkey).