Participation of a Management Department representative in the ECIU University Research Conference in Spain

At the beginning of October 2023, Nataliia Shyian, Associate Professor of the Department of Management of NTU “KhPI”, Doctor of Economics, took part in the ECIU University Research Conference, which was held in Spain, at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona).

The conference was devoted to issues in the areas of energy and sustainable development, circular economy, transport and mobility, and civil science. Among the most interesting discussions at the event were those on the challenges faced in expanding the use of electric trucks in logistics systems, reducing the use of packaging, and creating a system for the return and reuse of household goods, etc.

The conference was also attended by representatives of other Ukrainian universities from Lviv, Kyiv, and Kharkiv.

“This is an opportunity to share our research results, learn about modern approaches to solving the problems of sustainable urban development, and gain experience in the development of scientific research; it is a cooperation between researchers, research groups, and stakeholders represented by industry, local authorities, and society,” Natalia Shyian emphasized.

The conference participants were also invited to a tour of the university. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona is one of the leading universities in Spain and the world. The main research areas of the university are humanities, law, engineering and technology, economics and business management, social sciences, accounting and finance, etc. More than 32,000 students study at the university, of which about 4,000 are international students.

During the event, contacts were established for future research and joint projects.

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