Master’s degree in specialty 263 «Civil security», Educational and professional program 263.01 «Occupational safety and health»

State certification of masters was held at the Department of Occupational Safety and Environment. The head of the DEC is the head of the Department of Computer Modeling and Integrated Pressure Processing Technologies, Dсcs., professor V.L. Chuhlib, as well as the members of the DEC are professor V.V. Berezutskyi, professor S.O. Vambol, associate professor N.S. Yevtushenko. and secretary Ilyinska N.V. for three days, full-time and part-time master’s degree graduates were examined. Read more…

Review of reports of the 15th international scientific and methodological conference of NTU «KhPI» and the International EAS conference «Human safety in modern conditions»

On December 7-8, 2023, the department held the XV International Scientific and Methodological Conference and the EAS International Scientific Conference «Human Safety in Modern Conditions» in online format. More than 92 abstracts of reports were submitted to the conference, with the number of participants – 190. Most of the reports were devoted to life safety during war and military operations. Read more…

The 3nd day of the master’s attestation exam, specialty 263 “Civil security”

Today, 8.12.2023, master’s students who studied in specialty 263 “Civil Security” educational program “Occupational safety and health” successfully passed the certification exam. We wish them success in life and professional activities. Passing the state exam became an integral part of the professional development of masters, they adequately met the expectations of teachers and confirmed their status as experts in the field of occupational health and safety. Read more…

The 2nd day of the master’s attestation exam, specialty 263 “Civil security”

7.12.2023 – the second day of the master’s attestation exam in specialty 263 “Civil security” educational program “Occupational safety and health”. Each student demonstrated his high technical qualifications in the field of occupational health and safety. Professional responses to the commission’s questions and the ability to answer questions clearly and comprehensibly emphasized their competence. Read more…

The 1st day of the master’s attestation exam, specialty 263 “Civil security”

Today, 6.12.2023, the first day of the master’s attestation exam in specialty 263 “Civil security” educational program “Occupational safety and health” took place. Masters demonstrated a high level of preparation, which testifies not only to the distinction of academic achievements, but also to the readiness of the graduates for the tasks in their professional careers. Congratulations, new masters in Occupational safety and health! May success accompany you in all your professional and personal endeavors! Read more…

December 2, 2023 – Day off from MIT for entrant

On December 2, 2023, the Educational and Scientific Institute of Mechanical Engineering and Transport of NTU “KhPI” held an offline Day off from MIT for applicants. The visitors got acquainted with the presented presentations of the educational programs of the Institute of MIT and actively communicated with representatives of 14 graduation departments. The management conducted a very interesting interactive introduction of the entrants to the areas of preparation of the NNI MIT NTU “KhPI” in the game Kahoot format with gifts, winners and souvenirs for the participants.
The Department of Occupational and Environmental Safety also took part in this event. Scientific and pedagogical workers prepared presentation materials, devices for visual demonstration, campaign advertising brochures. Ass. prof. Mezentseva I. dealt directly with the questions of the Kahoot quiz in which schoolchildren participated, while presentations and advertising were handled by ass. prof. Semenov E. Read more…