December 2, 2023 – Day off from MIT for entrant

On December 2, 2023, the Educational and Scientific Institute of Mechanical Engineering and Transport of NTU “KhPI” held an offline Day off from MIT for applicants. The visitors got acquainted with the presented presentations of the educational programs of the Institute of MIT and actively communicated with representatives of 14 graduation departments. The management conducted a very interesting interactive introduction of the entrants to the areas of preparation of the NNI MIT NTU “KhPI” in the game Kahoot format with gifts, winners and souvenirs for the participants.
The Department of Occupational and Environmental Safety also took part in this event. Scientific and pedagogical workers prepared presentation materials, devices for visual demonstration, campaign advertising brochures. Ass. prof. Mezentseva I. dealt directly with the questions of the Kahoot quiz in which schoolchildren participated, while presentations and advertising were handled by ass. prof. Semenov E. Read more…