Lecturers of the SEMIT Department presented reports at an interesting educational event

On June 2, 2020, the seminar “Modern Machine Learning Technologies” was held by the MoMLeT Workshop, in which the lecturers of SEMIT Department participated.Associate professors Olga Yuryevna Cherednichenko and Olga Vasilievna Yangolenko together with their colleague, associate professor of the Department of Intelligent Computer Systems Olga Valerievna Kanishcheva, presented their work “Developing the Key Attributes for Product Matching Based on the Item’s Image Tag Comparison”. Associate Professor Karina Vladimirovna Melnik presented a report on the current topic “Short-term planning for resolving the problems with high level of uncertainty on an enterprise”.

During the quarantine conditions, the seminar was held online in the ZOOM system. The workshop was devoted to a discussion of machine learning models, problems of multi-criteria analysis of solutions and multi-criteria optimization.

At the workshop, participants shared their experience in studying and using machine learning models, discussed new possibilities for using these methods in solving real problems.

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