Updates on educational programs of the SEMIT Department: interaction with stakeholders

On March, a discussion of the educational programs content of the SEMIT Department took place. The program guarantors presented their content to the stakeholders – representatives of leading IT companies and students. This is an important step for the effective organization of the educational process of the department.
The meeting began with a speech by the head of the SEMIT Department prof., Doctor of Technical Sciences. M.D. Godlevsky and associate professor, Cand. Tech. Sc. A. V. Shmatko, who presented updated educational and professional programs. The guarantors spoke about the uniqueness and peculiarities of each EPP: the program “121 Software Engineering” was presented by Associate Professor, Cand. Tech. Sc. Yu. Litvinova, EPP “122 Computer Sciences and Intelligent Systems” was presented by Associate Professor, Cand. Tech. Sc. V.L. Lisitsky, and Associate Professor, Cand. Tech. Sc.. D.L. Orlovsky told about the program “126 software of information systems”.

Commenting on the content of the presented EPPs, representatives of NIX, Sigma Software and Academy SMART approved their practical direction, and also took interest in the UCODE project, for 2-3 year students, which was presented by Associate Professor, Cand. Tech. Sc. V.E. Sokol.

The students who participated in the meeting noted that participation in the UCODE project based on the Innovation Campus was an interesting and useful experience for them, and also expressed wishes for in-depth study of some specialized disciplines.

In general, such meetings help to constantly improve the level of specialist training, taking into account the requirements of employers, whereas the feedback from students prevents the occurrence of any issues in the educational process due to the lack of interest in subjects among students.

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