Graduation work defense by foreign students

On June 24, at the Department of Software Engineering and Management Intelligent Technologies of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Computer Sciences and Information Technologies, the defense of graduation theses by foreign students of the educational qualification level “Bachelor” in the specialty 121 Software Engineering took place.

The defense took place remotely using the tools of the Microsoft Office 365 integrated environment, in particular, the Teams application, with the help of which the defense procedure was implemented in the video conference mode.

The list of students who presented the results of their research and data on their work is given below.
Students have been working on their graduation theses throughout the 2021/2022 academic year, starting in the fall of 2021, despite all the problems and challenges, especially lately. All these students successfully presented their work and received fairly high marks.

Also, all these students were invited to enter the master’s program at NTU KhPI and they accepted this invitation.
Therefore, immediately after the completion of the defense of graduation theses, students were asked to complete a test task in their specialty. All graduates successfully completed these test tasks, so the SEMIT Department and ESI CSIT as a whole hope to see them among the ranks of undergraduate students of NTU “KhPI”.

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