Students of the SEMIT Department develop interesting games and gain useful skills

The efficient structure of the educational process at the SEMIT Department allows students not only to obtain relevant theoretical knowledge, but also to immediately apply it in practice, because the distance learning format allows them to participate in various interesting professional-oriented events. Students of the group KN-223c Roman Dyakov and Kyrylo Nikonov took part in the game development competition “Global Game Jam Ukraine 2024”.

Roman shares his impressions of the competition:
“We decided to try our hand at game development and create a platformer using the Unity engine. According to the competition terms, the game had to correspond to the topic, which was generally called “Make me laugh”.
Kirill had no experience in developing games on this engine before, whereas I tried to create games, but in a completely different direction. The topic turned out to be quite complicated for us to cover in a game, so we decided that the most fun part of our work would be creating the game. So we brainstormed and came up with the idea that the game should organically introduce references to funny characters and memes.

We started developing the game by creating the protagonist (a stone) and its enemies (ninja turtles), who cannot kill the protagonist (because it is a stone, which is also part of the meme), but they can push it. Then we started looking for normal assets with tiles to make a game map (assets are not prohibited in the rules of the game jam). After that, we worked on the game space: we made spikes, placed turtles so that they could push the main character onto those spikes. It was also important to define the main goal for the hero, so we added coins and a chest with a meme that the stone had to collect to climb the mountain where the game’s finish line was located. The last step was to work on audio elements and general settings.
While participating in the game jam, we learned how to work well in a team, build effective communications, and improved our skills in finding the necessary data and using GitHub.”
We congratulate our students on their interesting experience and wish everyone to succeed in their chosen field, and the teachers of the SEMIT department are always happy to help out with useful advice.
👾 Gameplay video 🎮

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