Presentation of projects by 3rd year students

🥳3rd year students of the Department of Software Engineering and Management Intelligent Technologies (SEMIT) of NTU “KhPI” presented the results of the practical component, which was provided in the spring semester under the educational component “Project (practice)”

😎During the spring of 2024, students who were already employed performed tasks at workplaces in IT companies, completed internships, attended training courses, and worked at startups.

👨‍💻During the presentations, the applicants talked about the companies they joined in one role or another – outsourcing, product, or consulting companies such as EPAM, Incode Group, Reterniti, Veramed, GameDevTV, SoftServe, and others!

🏅Students worked fruitfully in areas related to Front-End, Back-End, or Full-Stack development, Project Management, Data Science, Game Development, and other IT areas, which they reported on at the defense of their projects to the department’s committee.

👍Practice-oriented learning is one of the key aspects of education in the programs of the SEMIT Department 121 “Software Engineering” and 122 “Computer Science and Intelligent Systems”.
⭐️ In particular, this approach was highly appreciated by the Central Agency for Evaluation and Accreditation ZEvA (Hanover, Germany), as a result of which the educational programs received international accreditation for the period until September 2030!

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