Scientists of NTU “KhPI” took part in the international conference on Nonlinear Dynamics in the Netherlands

On July 22-26, the 11th International Conference on Nonlinear Dynamics was held at the Technical University of Delft (Netherlands) ( This conference takes place once every three years and gathers scientists and engineers in the field of nonlinear oscillations, chaotic dynamics and many other non-stationary processes in industrial applications, medicine, biology, etc.

Professor Dmytro Breslavsky, head of the department of computer modeling of processes and systems, made report at the conference. It is important to note that the co-author of the report was a PhD student of the Department of Computer Modeling of Processes and Systems, Pavlo Palamarchuk. The report of KhPI scientists were devoted to the analysis of nonlinear cyclic deformation of claddings of fuel elements of nuclear reactors (D.Breslavsky, P. Palamarchuk). The report was prepared based on the results of joint research with the honorary doctor of NTU “KhPI“, foreign member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Professor Holm Altenbach (Otto von Guericke University of Magdeburg).
