Education abroad

🌍Opportunity to continue studying abroad for students of NTU “KhPI” is based on the provisions of academic mobility. Academic mobility — the opportunity for participants in the educational process to study, teach, train or conduct research in another higher education institution (or scientific institution) in Ukraine or abroad.

Два варіанта академічної мобільності здійснюються на кафедрі технології жирів та продуктів бродіння:

  • On the basis of 2,3,4 or 5 years of study at NTU “KhPI” sending a student to study at a university in another country, after which he receives a diploma of this other educational institution (vertical dimension of academic mobility);
  • study at another university for a certain period (semester, academic year), after which the student returns to the university and continues his studies at NTU “KhPI”.

The main instruments of the Bologna Process provide academic mobility: the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System, the Qualifications Framework of the European Higher Education Area, the Diploma Supplement, as well as the European and national quality assurance systems for higher education.

The European Commission has officially announced the opening of a new Erasmus + Program for 2021-2027 The Program will focus on three areas – education and professional development; young people; sports..

The main goals of the Program will be:

  • promoting academic mobility in the field of education and professional development;
  • promoting informal and informal learning mobility in the youth field;
  • promoting the educational mobility of sports personnel.

With a budget of over € 26 billion, the new international program will be more inclusive, digital and environmentally friendly.

At the same time, the new Program will work on the development of cooperation, quality, inclusion, creativity and innovation at the organizational level and the implementation of strategies in the field of education, professional development, youth and sports.