Welcome to the site of the department of “Hydraulic Machines”

The best students of the Department of Hydraulic Machines. G.F. Proskura NTU ″ KhPI ″ will receive a scholarship from a group of companies of Kharkov industrial enterprises

The department prepares highly qualified specialists in educational and professional programs:

SPECIALTY  131 – APPLIED MECHANICS. Digital hydraulics, hydraulic machines and hydropneumatic actuators

SPECIALTY  133 – INDUSTRY ENGINEERING. Machines and mechanisms of oil and gas Industries

SPECIALTY  145 – RENEWABLE ENERGY AND HYDROPOWER. Computer Engineering in Renewable Energy

Our graduates:

  • successfully solve the problems of hydropower, hydraulic machines, oil and gas production, hydropneumatic automation;
  • know how to design and create hydropower equipment for hydropower plants of any capacity, specialized equipment for drilling, production and transportation of oil and gas, hydropneumatic automation systems and hydropneumatic units;
  • are ready to carry out research work related to the problems of the industry at a high level.

The wide range and fundamental nature of the knowledge we gain allows our specialists to work in the energy, defense, aviation, transport, medical, engineering, chemical and other industries.

The training of specialists is carried out by experienced teachers of the department. In addition, leading specialists of OJSC “Turboatom”, IPMash NAS of Ukraine and others are involved in the educational process.

The department “Hydraulic machines named after GF Proskura” offers cooperation in the field of hydropower, hydropneumatic automation, oil and gas production to enterprises, organizations and firms.