Presentation of works of art by Professor of the Department of Philosophy, Doctor of Philosophy N.B. Godz

On November 26, as part of the preparations for the 140th anniversary of KhPI National Technical University, in the bomb shelter of the university, the staff of NNI SGT organized an event dedicated to the work of Professor of the Department of Philosophy, Doctor of Philosophy N.B. Godz.

During the event, Nataliya Borisivna Godz presented her published books of poems and prose, quoted some of them, and demonstrated her drawings. Nataliya Borysivna considers emphasizing the national specificity of the Ukrainian people to be the main idea of ​​her work, to which she also devoted her PhD thesis on the topic “Cultural stereotypes in Ukrainian folk tales”.

The teachers of the law department took part in this event and had a lot of fun.

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