VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference “Scientific School of Academician Ivan Zyazyun in the Works of His Associates and Students”

On May 23, the plenary session of the VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference “Scientific School of Academician Ivan Zyazyun in the Works of His Associates and Students” was held .

Ivan Andriyovych Zyazyun  is a legendary man. He entered the history of Ukrainian and world pedagogy as an outstanding theoretician, thinker, philosopher, organizer of secondary and higher education, founder of the school of pedagogical excellence, who claimed that a talented teacher is the key to the success of society and the state.

 Ruslan Pavlovich Mygushchenko, Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work of KhPI National Technical University, started the conference with a welcome speech .

Andrii Volodymyrovych Kipenskyi, director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Social and Humanitarian Technologies of NTU “KhPI”, made his speeches  .

For 8 years, teachers of the Department of Law have been actively participating in this conference. This year was no exception.