
Information about the details and features of admission to the department’s educational programs can be found on the website of the admissions committee of NTU “KhPI”.

Admission to the bachelor’s level
Specialty: 263 – Civil security.
Educational program: Occupational safety and health.
Qualification: Bachelor of Occupational safety and health.
Learning term: 3 year 10 months.
Form of education: Full-time / Part-time.
Funding sources: Budget / Contract.

Graduates of technical schools and colleges with a junior specialist diploma have the opportunity to enroll in a shortened form of education – 2 years and 10 months.

Admission to the master’s level
Specialty: 263 – Civil security.
Educational program: Occupational safety and health.
Qualification: Master of Occupational safety and health.
Learning term: 1 year 4 months.
Form of education: Full-time / Part-time.
Funding sources: Budget / Contract.

Our specialty is to enter before the transfer of specialties, so that we will be especially pleased at the HTU KhPI – More…
The cost of the contract and the number of licensed seats.



With questions you can write a letter to: serhij.vambol@khpi.edu.ua