
Latest news:

Meeting on accreditation of EPP

July 4, 2024 at 12:00 p.m. under the chairmanship of the vice-rector professor R. Mygushchenko a meeting was held regarding the future accreditation. Issues related to the strategy of preparation of accreditation cases were discussed at the meeting. From our department, the head of the department S. Vambol, the guarantors of OP I. Mezentseva and N. Yevtushenko and representatives from stakeholders – S. Mezentsev (more…)

Event at Izyum lyceum №10

Despite the approaching completion of the 2023/2024 academic year in general educational institutions, the teachers of the department continue active career orientation work regarding the admission of applicants to specialty 263 “Civil security” of the “Occupational safety and health” educational program. One of the events of this work was the holding on 14.06.2024 of assoc. prof. Yascheritsin Eugene distance career guidance event with 11th grade students of Izyum lyceum №10. (more…)

Why is the culture of safety at work so important?

Studying in specialty 263 “Civil security”, educational program “Occupational safety and health”, you have the opportunity to get an education in Poland at the same time!

As part of international activities, on 02.09.2021, a Cooperation Agreement was signed between the University Jan Dloogosha in Czestochowa (UJD) (Poland) and the National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” (NTU “KhPI”).
Also, an Addendum to the Agreement regarding a semester academic exchange was concluded and signed by the parties on December 15, 2021. We invite applicants who want to get an education in Ukraine and Poland at the same time.

Interested? – Watch the video

Modern education
Аdvertising booklet – Specialty 263 Civil security

Graduates of technical schools, colleges and colleges with an associate’s degree have a unique opportunity to get a bachelor’s degree in the specialty 263 “Civil Security”, an educational program – ОSH-occupational safety and health before everyone else. They have the opportunity to enter the 1st, 2nd and 3rd year, both on the budget and on the contract.
Detail information for reference:
Head of the Department – Dcs., professor Vambol Sergij
fone: +38(050)-902-86-24, +38(068)-194-60-62
E-mail: serhij.vambol@khpi.edu.ua